“These mushroom poppers are delicious,” Josh said, smacking his lips. “Beautifully delicious. Hell, I’d say they’re beautifully gorgeously delicious.”

“But what do they taste like?” Storm inquired.

“Beautifulness!” Josh shouted. “Here, let me try some of that.” He grabbed the full pipe Storm had just finished packing using not the hand that he was fingers wrapped elegantly beautifully around the crystal glass he held in that hand. “Got a light?” He asked as he lifted the pipe to his lips.

The lightning mage sighed but leaned forward and complied, a spark leaping from his fingertip. It flew through a swirling miasma of colors and lit the bowl. Embers flared, and smoke eddied down the mouthpiece into Breaker’s lungs. His eyes bulged and he coughed like a horse with laryngitis. Actually, you know what, I’m just going to say it. He coughed like a bitch.

“Wow,” Breaker said as he returned the pipe to its owner, “it’s been awhile since I smoked anything that strong. Or since I smoked anything, for that matter.

“I once purchased a pound of Radasanthian Reefer behind a nightclub in Corone’s capital. It got me through the night, and hit all the right spots. I was smoking with this Alerian elf named Autumn, and damn she was as hot as Draconus’ breath. Wait, that didn’t sound like me. How would I say that? I know; her beauty made me burn like a dragon’s fire. There, that’ll set the ladies dripping like faulty faucets.”

Breaker paused in his monologue to take a drink and a breath. The other two men were not paying much attention, lost in their own worlds. Josh shrugged.

“Anyways, where was I? Oh that’s right, I remember. So I was smoking with this elf chick who was smoking in her own way, and she said she wanted me to come back to Alerar and marry her so she could move up in the succession line to the throne. Isn’t that crazy? I just wanted a little smoke, and I almost became a prince for it.” Josh paused for a moment, seeming to count in his head. “Is that three-fifty yet?” He asked no one in the room. It was.