The name of Letho Ravenheart was a sobering one, which forced Storm up from the ground to the two annihilated colleagues. Shinsou's little song was cute enough through it's insanity, but certain ideas rung poor, regardless of the electromancer's state of mind.

"Absolutely f*cking not!" He had managed to his feet, no doubt a miracle of galactic proportions. "I don't care if you've got an invisible goddamned plane. Every f*cking time I've gone to that godforsaken place random assholes sprout from the ground, as if waiting for decades on the off chance I wander through, and get the drop on me. With metal-free guns, no less!"

"For an adventure, we can fly to the Citadel upon Lornius. Set up some traps for the next Corporate Challenge. Next time we have to fight out there, tripwires and tiger-traps and little clouds full of funky green mist."

Pondering the situation, the wizard tapped at his chest, horrified to fail to find the pipe which brought him clarity most times, and incredible confusion today.

Cronen, you motherf*cker...

The Breaker had left the pipe inside! Storm didn't hesitate to act, bounding back UP into the gaping maw of the tavern he'd just caught, where two exasperated attendees (one the bitchy woman with the pillowy boobs) stepped back away from him for a moment. They started yelling in howls as he stepped forward, to afraid to actually assault him but undeterred from launching a verbal attack. He turned to the room servant, the thin man who had put a gypsy curse on the others earlier.

"Fix your goddamned floorboards from burning if you don't want people to blast their way out of rooms, fatso!" Reaching into his pocket, Storm pilfered a small pinch of golden Crowns while he pocketed the familiar pipe. The pipe seated in its familiar home like a knife in a sheath, whereas the gold seemed completely arbitrary.

"For your troubles." Storm tossed the gold to the thin man as he hopped down from the newly forged ledge, unaware that he had offered enough gold to possibly afford six or seven planks, but certainly no actual repair work. Completely vexed, the couple watched as he strode back over in an entirely circuitous route towards Shinsou and Joshua.

"Gentlemen, I've saved the day and salvaged the pipe. We need to ride my Camaro over there before the lizard people come out to get us."

Attila bucked at his gesture, confused and potentially angry at his insinuation. The horse was easily strong enough to carry two men, but three would be a struggle.