It was then that everything suddenly got a bit serious. With lightning quick turns and twists, the electric snake snapped to and fro before delivering the triumvate to their destination.

The grounds of the Lornius Corporation Challenge.

Slepnir, Shinsou's mighty horse, had kindly volunteered to take over proceedings after Atilla's untimely death and found itself cantering into a place seperated into seven segregated areas. They all looked wildly different - each appeared to have some sort of time constraint on their existence, too - but they each bore one thing in common; none of them had any traps.

"Jackpot, boys" Shinsou said, removing a Salvic Snowleapord cat from his right shoulder. "We made it."

"It's fucking horrible." Storm's eyes were now just pissholes in the snow; he didn't fully grasp that he was hanging upside down from Slepnir's saddle.