In this cell with me were currently, by my last count: rats, hiding in the shadows and darting in and out of the cells; a lizard of some sort that was clinging up near the roof that had begun moving not long after the faun woman left; and no less than seventeen insects of various kinds-I stamped down. Make that sixteen insects. This was the third one that had tried to take a bite out of me. Overall, a decent enough little cell.

I had some room to move, if I had cared to. I could move to about halfway into the cell, but that was as far as the manacles extended. I could also, just barely and with a bit of contortions needed, lay down on the small, simple cot that was really barely more than a sheet over frame. At least it had a sheet, and I wasn't just lying on a frame of wood. I had slept on worse - in the Huntsman’s course, after a certain point, you were expected to provide your own furnishings by hunting down creatures and using the remains to make things. At least this cot didn't smell like poorly tanned hide.

I was currently sitting with my back against the wall. It had taken a little bit of wiggling, and flexing, but I had managed to get my hands out from behind my back. Thankfully the woman had bound my hands like I had offered them to her, clasped together, so getting my hands in front of me just required some limberness, no need to dislocate anything. My left leg lay stretched out in front of me, while my right was bent, knee up in the air in front of my chest. My right arm was resting on my knee, my hands hanging together connected by the manacles.

It was now, an exercise in patience. I had, by my estimation, two and a half days before my body began to suffer the effects of dehydration. I'd seen people pass in that way - it was not pleasant at all. So. Two days, and if I had seen no sign of my captor, begin to consider drastic measures. I could sit, or move in my rather limited range, for two days. Truly, being able to move was a kindness because it meant my body would not begin to hurt itself from the lack of movement.

I frowned. Beneath the creaking of the ship, the slopping of the waves - was that another sound? I kicked the bars nearest me, sending the rats scampering away, and closed my eyes to listen intently. There it was again, a faint sound of movement, barely audible at all - coming from down the hall. Towards the stairs. Hah. Had one of the women of the ship come to put an end to their captain’s prisoner? I tensed myself. While I had submitted to the faun, the rest of the ship was a different matter. I would defend myself as much as I could.

The footsteps came nearer, large clunking sounds. They strode with determination, getting clearer until - they stopped right outside the door. A shadow appeared in the grill for a moment, indiscernible before there was a rattling of keys and the clunk of a lock.
The wooden door was shoved open to reveal the casually dressed, tricorn wearing faun.

Hmm. Well, she looks rather different when she isn't armored and trying to kill me.