I snorted and shook my head. “I informed you that was for the festival. If you wanted tales of a dangerous fight against a cunning opponent, the gnolls are what you should have requested, good lady. Those, they are weapon users, and fight in a pack.” I leaned forward and laced my fingers together, studying her over my glasses. I decided to throw her a bone, since she seemed rather upset that she didn't seem to be effecting me.

“Are you needing a killer, or someone to warm your bed? If so, simply say so. You are attractive, but I don't seek out sex.” I shrugged and sat back before continuing to explain about the gnolls.

“Gnolls, if you are not familiar with them, are semi-sentient dogmen. They live, and operate in tribes and packs. A tribe nucleus, as what I fought, is the core of a new tribe, moving in to a region. There were ten of the creatures, a pack leader, her mate, and eight adherents. To deal with them I was forced to slowly pick off their sentries before assaulting the main encampment, else they would have shot me from behind with crude sling and bows. The pack leader was a powerful fighter, and was closer to fully intelligent than most of her kind. She had a hammer - a black smith’s sledge - and seemed to have a crude understanding of how to properly use it in a fight. With her mate using the spear, it took nearly an hour to whittle them down, after eliminating their helpers.” If she thought me useless, because she asked after what I considered the most boring kind of hunt - a simple animal - well. That was her fault for choosing the most basic.

Gosling's eyes remained narrowed whilst I told the story, although she refilled her glass and sipped more wine. Her legs also were turned back under the table as she learnt, quite obviously, that he wanted no company.

It took time for her to answer. “I do not need sex,” she said, leaning forwards, her voice low so only I could hear. “I came to see if you would be useful to me. Apparently you are not.”

I leaned back, and shrugged. “Well then, I believe that concludes our business together.” I slipped my mask back onto my face and stood up, giving her a slight bow. “I wish you luck in your endeavor then.” If she felt I'd be useless for her hunt, then there was no reason for me to linger longer. I could go see if I could find something skulking in the shadows. I didn't want this night to be a waste after all.

After bowing to her I began walking towards the front of the pub, pushing past the onlookers. Let them fawn over the foreign girl, if she did not wish to share her hunt I had no interest in it.