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    The Huntsman's Avatar


    Fil'ayn Kiljarden

    A Thing For Blood (Closed to Amari)

    Use of language and moderate mature content.
    I bared my teeth in a savage grin behind my mask. Sweet, sweet blood dripped from the Saw-Spear, falling to the loamy soil beneath my feet. This country that I had been brought to, and freed into, by Phimomel - who had been conflicted as the weather in a mage convention when last I saw her - was wild, untamed. Which meant - full of Beasts to hunt. I was in the middle of one such hunt now, close to the border between two nations - I'd lost track of which side I was on, just that there was snow, and it was rather cold. But that was far from the reason for the sadistic urges that were currently spiking through me, pushing me on to hurt and to draw more blood.

    I'd been hired, by a very, very nervous man, to hunt down a pack of dire wolves that were threatening the small village he lived in. This was quite fortuitous for me, because I could use the beasts’ hides to craft winter clothes to protect against the bitter chill of the biting winds. So I had set off, on the prowl - with a warning that there was a woman to be very, very careful somewhere nearby. I dismissed that though - she was not my prey, so I would ignore her.

    Which lead me to now. Blood dripping from my clothes, from my blade, staining the earth around me. The pack still circled around me - three of their brethren had fallen to me, but there were still five of the beasts stalking around me. Warier now, because they knew I wasn't normal, moved faster, hit harder than their usual victims. That was fine by me. With each that fell the others grew more enraged, and I knew that they would not be able to bring themselves to flee. No, we were here, locked in a battle to the death - mine, or the death of the pack.

    Green-tinted saliva dripped from snarling fangs. Dire wolves - about half as large as a horse, easily as intelligent as smart, well trained warhounds, and with a venomous bite that would cause necrosis after a few minutes. Being bit even once would take me down for nearly a day, assuming I managed to survive. Others might have encouraged someone in this situation to have sought back up, but no. I did not need others in a hunt like this. All I needed was myself, and my Saw-Spear.

    “Come then, little wolves. You are my prey, and I, your hunter. Let us dance, shall we?” I knew the animals couldn't understand me, but they could understand my tone, mocking and taunting them. I slowly palmed one of my iron spikes, letting it rest in my hand like a very, very short dagger. There - a sound of movement to my right and slightly behind. A half turn - one of the wolves was charging me. It leapt - and my hand holding the spike lashed out, driving the hand-length iron spike up, up through the lower jaw. With a slight squelch and a click, the dire wolf’s mouth was snapped shut - and the last inch or so of its tongue was shorn off.

    I pushed up, throwing the injured wolf off to one side. It was whimpering and howling, the noises muffled as its paws frantically scratched at the spike, trying to rip it out. It would succeed, eventually, but it would tear up the flesh under its jaw in the process. Good, another one down. I would finish it off later, if it didn't die from its own venom in the mean time. So, four left. I slowly looked around at them. Hah, they were still wary, circling. Ignoring their fallen pack member. Not that they could help it.

    There was a growl from one of the smaller ones, and it rushed at me. It had apparently learned from its comrade’s fate, because it shot across the ground, not trying to jump up. No matter. I dropped down into a low crouch and sprang forward, swinging my folded blade in a sharp motion. The wolf let out a howl as the blade sank into its flesh, ripping away a chunk. The beast landed heavily, then sprang for me again. I managed to avoid the flashing teeth, but one long, sharp claw sliced across my stomach. I snarled.

    You think you can hurt me and get away with it? No. I think not, beast. I shifted my grip, and the Saw-Spear clicked and swung out to full extension. The dire wolf was caught off guard as the blade suddenly shot into it, stabbing and twisting. It let out another loud howl of pain as I twisted and tore, yanking the blade out, creating a large gash in its side. It staggered, trying to recover - but I didn't give it the chance. I leapt forward, driving the jagged teeth of my blade into its back - severing its spine. The wolf’s rear legs collapsed - and I let out a grin as I swung around, clicking the blade shut so I could deliver faster, shorter strikes to the wounded wolf. It's howls of anguish continued for a few agonizing moments - and then the Saw-Spear slammed, tore, plunged into its neck, and with a muffled whine, the beast collapsed, dead.

    I ripped my weapon out in a shower of blood, my chest heaving as my lungs seized the oxygen they needed. Three left. Good, good. Three left - but then I would be out. How best then, to slaughter these dumb beasts? I snarled a challenge at them - and another rushed me, leaping up into the air. Bah, have you not learned?

    I threw myself into a roll, stabbing upwards and ripping through. The wolf landed heavily, and for a moment everything seemed alright - and then there was a wet squelch, and its belly opened. It let out a confused whimper and took a step forward - then its and organs began spilling out, falling to the ground in wet plops and heavy slaps. I grind viciously as the beast fell to the ground behind me.

    Two left. And now, now they were hesitant. I flicked my blade, sweeping a bit of the blood off. I was coated in the viscous red fluid, but I - I didn't mind. I relished this. My coal-black skin was stained red, my clothes shone and glinted - and it was glorious. I reveled in it, this, this was where I released my sadistic side. I gripped the oak haft of the Saw-Spear in both hands and crouched.

    They came at me together, howling and snapping their jaws. I moved, spinning to the side, rolling and spinning, my coat spinning up and out, obscuring me from clear view. But my being blocked from sight didn't block mine. My blade shot out, smashing into the side of one of them sending it to the side. I let the rebound carry me around, clicking and shifting the Saw-Spear, the folded blade ripping and tearing along the wolf’s side. Hot blood rushed over me as the wolf collapsed. I ignored it. The wolf I had smacked was getting up again - or at least it thought it was. I charged forward, and leapt into the air.

    For a moment I hung there - and then I stabbed down, piercing and pinning the wolf’s head to the ground. I ripped the blade down, splitting the skull nearly in half. Into the gory mess that was the remains of its head, I clicked my blade back to full extension, and stabbed back in, the blade’s jagged teeth ripping through flesh from the inside. It was fantastic, glorious, and I tore the blade out, showering my frame in blood once more.

    I tilted my head back and smiled, viciously, beneath my mask. I would skin the bodies later, for now, I would relish the blood covering me. It was fantastic.
    Last edited by Philomel; 12-27-2017 at 02:52 AM.
    Cruel and brutal are the blades for the Beast
    It's time to Carve and Clatter and Cleave.

    A member of the NevCrew:
    Nevin: Thread count: please, don't try.
    Erik: Thread count: five or six. Maybe seven...
    Huntsman: seven. Maybe eight. Shhhhhhh.
    Telli' thread count: zero. I just can't get into writing the little hellion.

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