The inner sanctum proved to be boring and Scarlet needed to get out. Just for a little while...she’d stretch her legs. Nothing more, nothing less.

She found herself in the forests that surrounded the Inner Sanctum; heading toward the nearest town.
She expected beasts, she expected cold and trees and quiet.

What she didn’t expect was to watch a man tear into a group of wolves.

Amari grimaced at the scene, did the guy literally explode the beasts? Blood dripped from his heaving shoulders. She couldn’t see his eyes. But even his white hair was slicked back, thick with ichor.

“Tad excessive don't you think?” She asked as she approached him from behind. “I mean. They probably didn't put up much of a fight eh?”

Her concern wasn't with the man, or how he had happened to get so close to the compound but it was a bother to have an intruder in the forest so close to the Seventh Sanctum. Sure she could let him run rampant and the night terrors would make short work of him, but she was bored.

“Any reason you're in these parts?”

She found herself staring at a jagged, pointed metre-long chunk of metal. Sharp, barbed teeth lined to sides, replacing normal blades. The Damascus weapon dripped blood, much like the oiled cloths that the - black skinned man? Ah, a Drow wore.

“I - am here, because my prey was here.” The blade snapped back, folding up as silver eyes shifted and peered out from behind dark glasses.

Her eyes flicked back to the wolves, whose carcasses literally were ripped open. He had quite the field day. “Prey?” She eyed his weapon which whilst at his side, still twitched. He was ready to strike her down. Scarlet inwardly scoffed. He could try. “Your prey looks a little boring to me, but if you’re done with it - mind if I use the carcass?”

“Dire wolves are smarter than normal ones, but still not truly dangerous.” He snorted. “They bleed well though. I am the Huntsman, and they were threatening some village or another. You may have the carcasses, I need the hide from two or three to make a cloak against the winter.”

Ahh...Scarlet forgot others could feel the cold. She glanced down at her own attire. A flimsy red dress, a baggy one at that. The wind would tear right through it and chill a normal person. She placed her fingers in her mouth and gave a sharp whistle. A few seconds passed before a flock of ravens came fluttering down. Scarlet pointed to the wolves and they started tearing at the flesh. Sure, her ravens would have made short work of it without her but at least this way they’d perhaps start trusting her again. Instead of being so damn distant.

Leaking literal death did have its setbacks.

The woman folded her arms over her chest as she approached the hunter. Her boots crunched in the thickly padded snow. “Wandered a little far, nearest village is a good few hours away. Shouldn’t you head back and get your reward now?” She cocked her head, “Or are you one of those who hunt for the pure - I dunno, thrill of it?”

“I hunt, to hunt. So, in your terms, I suppose yes, the latter. I hunt for my own reasons, but they drive me to hunt nonetheless.” As her crows ripped into one of the wolves, he moved to the other bodies, and began ripping the hide away, flaying the dead beast with practiced motions.

Scarlet was assessing him. His worth. His words were spoken in an odd tone of voice, it wavered, almost as though he was teetering on the edge of a calm stoic demeanor and absolute blood fuelled lust. Whoever this man was, this ‘hunter’ he clearly enjoyed it a little too much. Not that Scarlet had a problem with that.

“I’m bored.” She said and before he could respond she continued. “Want something more entertaining to hunt?” He paused, blade buried in the flesh of one of the wolves. With a wet squelch he ripped the blade free, and turned to look at her.

“And what might that be?” His hand flexed around the haft of his weapon.

She grinned. “Me.” She lifted her open palm up to him to stop him from questioning her. “You hunt me, you fight me. You kill me and…” She shrugged. “You win. Salvar is my domain and bringing anyone my head would net you a constant flow of work. If you fail to do so by nightfall - than you will die.” Scarlet lowered her hand. “You aren’t from around here, you don’t know what emerges from the night. Beasts that you wouldn’t be able to slay with a physical weapon. Hows about it?”

To her, it was a win/wn. If he did find her and succeed he’d prove to be of some worth. Hell, maybe. Just maybe she’d fucking stay dead. Wouldn’t that be a riot? If he lost then she’d slink away from the forest and let him die.

He blinked, staring at her for a long moment. “You wish me to kill you? Not just some sort of masochistic play, but you actually, legitimately wish me to kill you?” Disbelief.

“What, you have some sort of moral issue with that? If so then perhaps we’re done here.” She paused, and sighed. “Masochistic? Perhaps - but I’m not lookin’ to get all hot and heavy. I got better things to do and to prove. What kind of useless hunter can’t kill his mark?”

“Oh thank God.” He shook his head. “No, if you wish me to kill you that is fine. I have no issue whatsoever with it. I've just had - well. People seem to think that sex should be a focus. So then. When shall this hunt begin?” He tilted his head to the side.

“Sit tight, give me ten minutes - then go nuts.” She waved her arm around dismissively. “Do whatever your little sadistic heart wants. Give a fuck.” Scarlet took two steps back, and gave the man a salute. Before she turned and walked, quite literally walked away from him into the thicket. She wasn’t too concerned.