She walked in to see them sitting, hand in hand and gazing into each other's eyes. Poised in indecision at the doorway she hesitated for a moment. Then she began to retreat back, but not before Vaeron suddenly looked right at her.

“Princess. Please,” he said. Beside him Tarrimar gasped, then suddenly went his usual, shy self. His cheeks went pink and he curled inwards a little.

Her brows shot up and she blinked. “I do not want to disturb anything.”

Vaeron raised a hand and invited her further in. “It is fine. We were just discussing future plans.”

“Future … plans?” She asked as took a small step forwards, her gaze flickering between the men. Tarrimar’s face was now red and he was looking at the floor as he clutched onto Vaeron's hand tightly.

“Yes,” Vaeron said matter-of-factly. “Tarrimar has accepted my request to be in a relationship.”

Philomel blinked and looked honestly surprised. Her mouth made a small 'oh’ and she paused for a moment as she flustered. “Well … congratulations are in order I guess.”

The scarred human nodded his thanks as Tarrimar began to speak hurriedly.

“My lady, this will not get in the way of my duties. I promise that-”

Immediately Philomel put up her hands. “Tarrimar,” she said with a degree of absolute firmness. “You are allowed to have what relationships you want. I know you will still work well, as will Vaeron. As will I. I guess I should say 'welcome to the family’ or something.” She paused. “Welcome.”

Vaeron grunted a note of what equated from him as laughter. Tarrimar went even more red as he gulped huge breaths and Philomel found herself grinning with his reaction.

“Anyway ...” she said through her smile. “Celandine …”

“Ah yes of course. You are up and not staring at her worriedly so … she is awake?” Vaeron asked, sitting up straighter.

Philomel nodded. “She is. I will not disturb you further, however, she wants to see you but that can wait.”

Vaeron paused, but then shook his head, grunted and swung himself up to his feet. “I may as well come now, Princess.”