She screamed and writhed, twisting her arm as he dug deeper into her flesh. It went from a mild sting to a burning to a sick and twisted feeling of perversion and agony. Scarlet gasped and a pained groan fell from her trembling lips as he dug deeper still. Then, when his finger scraped against her bone she bit down on his dark skin to stifle another pained cry. Tears stung her eyes and fell freely down her cheeks. That was one way to sober the fuck up.

He pulled away and Scarlet drew her hand to her chest. “What..t-the fuck!?” She breathed, face flushed as she pressed her good fingers to her injured hand. A golden glow danced across her skin and healed the wound. “Did..did you scrape against my f-f-fucking bone?” She shivered, her body going into mild shock. Among other things. Fuck you and what you did to me Aurelianus.

His hand fell from his hair and he raised an eyebrow. He looked just slightly demented with her blood across his face and in his hair - not that he seemed to mind.

“For fucks sake Flan…” Scarlet grumbled, feeling a little more alert right. “I wanted to feel something, not fuckin get all hot and bothered…. Fuck…”

“What did you call me? Flan? The hell is that? I'm not a dessert, dawn girl.” He snorted. “At least not that you'd know, despite that bite.” His fingers trailed against the bleeding wound on his shoulder - huh. His blood was a shade of purple. Scarlet instinctively licked her lips to try a taste of anything that remained. Nothing. She tasted nothing.

“Fl’ayn or ...or however the fuck you pronounce it I don’t give a shit..” She muttered This wasn’t….this wasn’t exactly going according to plan, but what plan did she have? Before now she had just been drinking to warm herself up to try and feel something, anything. The Drow froze, his silver gaze locking onto hers. His mounting fury evident in his scrunched features.

“What.” His words came out in a trembling whisper, as his knuckles tightened.

“Oh? Is that taboo too?” She asked leaning forward. “Like what was it? Kissing?” She snorted and pulled back. “Tell me these things, I’m not a fuckin’ mind reader.” She found the irony in the words, considering that’s pretty much what she had done when she tried to pull his memories out.

“I did not tell you because you were not supposed to even know that name.” Huh. Looks like along with his blood being purple, his blush made his skin change hues to a more purple color than black.

“Oh. Well. Tough shit.” Scarlet swayed as she pushed herself to a standing position. This wasn’t right. This man, this sadistic Hunter. He had ideals. He had hopes. What better way to get rid of him now than to rip off the bandaid?

Waves of red cascaded over her shoulders as she pulled her hair forward. “F-Fl’ayn, right?” Scarlet pushed herself closer to him, her body hanging and swaying over his.

“Fil’ayn. “ He hissed. “If you're going to say it, say it right.” His eyes flashed.

“Fil’ayn..” Scarlet repeated. “What a sight you are. Tell me, hows it feel to be owned? Coming at the drop of a hat?” She didn’t give him time to answer, “I could tell you...course….” A thin finger trailed the outline of his jaw and parted his skin. Scarlet watched with dark eyes as his violet blood dripped down her finger.

She leaned in closer.

“You...already know that.” She whispered into his ear before pressing her lips to his. A forbidden action. Something he hated. Loathed. Just like he seemed to loathe the use of his name.

Just like everyone hated her.


Just like everyone else.

It was the way it should be.

So why?

Why the hell wasn't she being forced away?

She opened her eyes, to see him staring at her. She drew back, confused - this was supposed to infuriate him, drive him away. It was the things he hated - his eyes still trembled with suppressed rage, she could see it, could feel the tension in his body as his hands splintered the wood of the chair.

Scarlet gripped his shoulders as her hands burned into his flesh. “Why don’t you hate me?” She spat. “Like everyone else. Why the fuck do you sit there and let me fuckin’ taunt you like some whipped fuckin’ dog?” Then she choked as dark fingers shot up and coiled around her throat, pulling her close to his face - not a kiss, but so close she could feel his breath against her skin.

“Because, you drunk bitch, I don't hate you. I fear for you. You call me a whipped dog? I’m a Huntsman, a hound meant to be unleashed to kill things. Such an insult means nothing to me.”

The feeling of his fingers tightly coiled around her throat...was reminiscent of when she was first taken in by Lichensith Ulroke. The time where everything changed for her - both for better and for worse. Her hands reached up to grasp his wrists. His long arms extended far beyond her ability to push him away. She tilted her head back to garner some breathing space, a trembling breath fell from her lips.

“No. It does mean something. It means you accept there is a connection between us. One you forged yourself, and you'll find it hard to break. A lot harder than you expect - I've seen what happened to you, I felt it. And I felt the terror and pain, the sheer fear and loneliness.” He spat, and shoved her away, letting her fall to the floor as she struggled to regain her breathing.

“I’m sober...enough to know you’re...a fuckin...ass…” she muttered as she rubbed her neck. She didn’t look at him. How could she after that?

“I cannot afford the luxury of connections beyond those that tie me to my Master.” Scarlet said as she finally pushed herself to her feet. “You included, Midnight Man.” He snorted, and rubbed his shoulders - and she saw that the brands where she had touched him, burned him, were fading into faint scars already.

Her eyes narrowed. “Someone’s gotten stronger.” She reached out and took his wrist roughly in her own, pulling him to her as she inspected it. “Interesting. Look…”

She took a deep breath. The whole ‘grinding against her bone’ and ‘choking’ thing was working the alcohol out of her system and something else into her system. Things she shouldn’t be bothering with.

“I’m going up to my room, You can either stay there on the floor. Or sleep in the barn.” She said as she let go of his hand and turned toward the stairs, still with a slight sway to her step. “THis was a mistake. I never should have reached out to you. Nor made that contract - maybe I should pull this fuckin’ stone outta me.” She paused on the stairs and turned to look at Hunter.

“Or is that something you’d rather do, with your fuckin’ bone grinding fingers?”