Scarlet woke with a start. Her eyes wide as she went to pull her sword from her side only to realise she did not have it. Not only that but she- she… she felt warmth. Scarlet looked down and saw a pair of dark skinned arms loosely wrapped around her waist. She was nestled comfortably in Hunters lap. A smeared of gold against bitter black.

When did this happen? When she was asleep? It was common for her to curl up against lye or to even sleepwalk to the fireplace back at the sanctum. Maybe she was subconsciously seeking warmth.

His arms tightened for a moment, and he blinked, silver eyes opening a bit as he cleared the traces of slumber away from his eyes.

“Ugh.” Scarlet pushed away from him and stood. She ran her hand down her clothes to smooth them out. “Still here. You know I don't expect you to keep your word for something so trivial.”

She turned to rest her eyes on his. Slitted silver glinted at scarlet from beneath silky white waves. He truly was like the night sky. She had called him. So she should use him. “Since you're here… did you want to go on a Hunt? May as well not make this a useless encounter.”

“I do not think it trivial. I keep my word to you.” He slowly stood up and rubbed his face, then paused to look at her. “I do not think it was useless. But - you know I am always up for a hunt.” There was an odd note in his voice. Considering. Pondering something.

“Why gold?” He tilted his head down at her dress before he began pulling on the rest of his gear, his head turned so one pointed dark ear was trained in her direction.

“Huh?” Scarlet glanced down. “To be honest, I would normally have gone for red, but I’m a little sick of always wearing that. Green...doesn’t seem fitting for a monster who destroys everything she touches. So gold...seemed adequate.” Scarlet arched her back and it cracked. “You seem….” She paused trying to word it correctly. She was concerned, but she dare not voice as such. She dare not try to dwell on how his downcast eyes made her want to snap them back to their glaring selves. She couldn’t. She couldn’t allow such a thing. ‘Don’t get close to anyone from your past. Don’t make connections to anyone. Don’t get close to anyone’ Those were her Masters words. It was not a tool's job to feel. Scarlet shook her head and sighed.

“You’re..not you. Not that I really know you but if memory serves - you appear more distracted. Down. If you’re distracted I don’t want to go hunting a dragon. What’s gotten you into a mess?”

“Nothing, dawn girl.” He stood up, sliding his coat back on - and the conflict in his eyes was gone. They hard and silver once more. “I - no. It's nothing you need to concern yourself with. Not now.”

She tried. By the Thaynes she had tried. She wasn’t going to press him further on his own feelings. She’d be mighty pissed if someone tried with her. Not that she was allowed to feel. She had to keep pressing those things down. “Not now?” Scarlet shifted and turned to him with crossed arms. Silently staring at him with her blackened eyes. A few moments passed.

He turned to stare at her. For a moment it seemed like he was going to say something - and she didn't know if she wanted him to. Because - it seemed like there was concern and warmth in his eyes. Then he closed them, and their hold on her broke.

“Last night… I may have drunk summoned you. I’ll refrain from doing so in the future.” She muttered turning away, it may have been best if he did hide those eyes. She knew she would not be the only one bewitched by them and she bet the bastard knew what power they had now.. Not another Lamont, Not another Shinsou, Fenn or Taka.. .

“You will summon me whenever pleases you. And I will come.” He picked up his curved, jagged, folding blade and tucked it away - then put on his hat and pulled up his mask. The Huntsman paused, studying her for a moment. “I will come.” Then he moved to the door, ready to open it when she was ready herself.

“Right.” Scarlet said, she wasn’t sure how to react to those words. How to say she didn’t believe them. That she was just as much of a tool as he, perhaps more so. “You came when I was drunk, that is definately merit to you. Let’s go - I’m hungry.”

They headed down the creaky ill-lit stairs and found themselves in the same open area they were in the night before. This time they were not alone, a few couples were dotted along the tables - lovingly chatting to one another. Others had patrons of all sorts. An alchemist in the corner feverishly choping up some sort of herb to shove into bottles, an old lady loudly eating a bowl of porridge and two laughing courtesans regalling in their previous nights adventures.

Scarlet took the same seat in the same far corner as last time and sat down along with Hunter. Before long they had ordered a hearty meal of bacon, dried goat-heavily salted, eggs, and bread. Things that Scarlet rarely got to enjoy so far into the Northern Wastes.

She ate silently. As did her partner. What was she to say to him? Finishing the bite of goat she pursed her lips. “Hunter.” He paused and looked up at her expectantly. One white eyebrow arched up.

“If you are going to work for me. I will offer you this honesty. I work for another - and my freedoms are small and rare. I’m not meant to do ….” She gestured to him and to the table before them. “THis. I’m not meant to socailise. I’m not meant to enjoy such lavish luxuries. Especially of late. I am not given the carefree dreams of a human. I’m a tool.” She set her knife down and continued. “In saying that - I will call when needed, and if you need me you can try. I may not be able to answer as freely. Hell-” She scoffed as she shifted her eyes away from his. “I may not even exist if things continue the way they are.”

He studied her, setting his utensils down and folding his hands together. He was silent for a long few moments, and she began to shift under his steady, unwavering silver eyes. “You know I wander far and wide. I even have plans to travel down to the peninsula, to see what beasts roam there. Dawn girl. If you ever need me, I will come no matter where I am. If you ever need to get away - let me know, and I will summon you to me.” His fingers began to drum against the back of his hand. “I am - I am your ally. I understand that you have a master. And I remind you - I am not beholden to him. You, are my concern, and the one who I answer to. Make of that what you will.” Then he returned to calmly eating, though his eyes did return to her still form from time to time.

“I cannot leave.” She did not have that luxury. She did not, could not, and would not leave Lichensith Ulroke. And what if she did? She’d go galavanting around Althanas with a man slaying beasts whilst she was carrying a child? Absurd. The notion was completely absurd. This man held no regard for her, nor her to him. They were just contracted to each other for convenience. It’s why he didn’t tell her what troubled him, and it was why she would continue to keep her distance.

“Your memories. Are you faring well knowing your life is a lie?”

Well, those words fell from her mouth without her realising and in the worst possible way. Scarlet never had any tact, even before she lost her sense of humanity. She cleared her throat and continued. “You shouldn’t dwell on it. You’re better off without the lies.” Good job Scarlet, +1 for trying.

He paused again, and slowly looked up at her. The utensils were set back down, and he rested his chin on his palm, studying her. It made her feel like she was under a magnifying glass - an intense, unwavering gaze. They softened slightly. “I - am still coming to grips with it. That is, sixty years of my life, gone, revealed to be nothing but falsehoods covered up by a surface patch job. Even though you are right - I am better off without them - it is hard, to lose more than half of one’s life.” He shook his head.

“Make up for it then.” She said matter-of-factly. “You have your strength, your will, and you have something they can never take back from you. Knowledge. You know the truth now. Use that against whoever, or whatever did that to you.”

This. This was what she knew, freeing people from the shackles of falsehoods. This is what was beaten into her, Lyes ideals. Aurelianus’ maddening and erotic sense of anarchy. This was familiar territory for her. Scarlet straightened her back. “Use that then take them down.”

“And what do I do, when one of the things they ground into me, was never to form a connection?” He raised his eyebrow. “Not saying here and now, you. But - they never wished me to have a connection at all.”

“Then.” She paused. Shit. Back to this? “Then we have that in common, Fi’l- Hunter. We have that in common.” His eyes widened at the slip, then he nodded once. Considering something.

“I suppose so.”

Scarlet pushed her chair away. “Unlike me however, you are not beholden to that. Create those connections. Find a lass.” She paused. “Or man who tickles your fancy. Get laid, have a family. Bury yourself in the belly of a giant snake - which fuckin’ hurts by the way.” She smirked at the recollection. “Anyway, that ‘conection’ thing. That was what they hid from you right?”

Scarlet approached him and crossed her arms, staring down at him. Even seated it was a feat to look down upon the tall as fuck drow. “That doesn’t apply to you anymore. Do whatever the fuck you want.”

“No. They hid that I had nothing. I have no fucking clue what happened in the sixty years that are missing.”

Scarlet thought the answer obvious. “Then find out.” And with that she turned away, “I’m done. I’ll be outside when you’re ready. If you’re up for it we’ll head East - there’s a young dragon who I want to slay and my expertise is in long range combat. So I’d need someone good with close range.”

Scarlet glanced over her shoulder at him, “Let’s just hope you don’t get the dragon all hot and bothered too whilst you do it.” She gave him a smirk before leaving him to finish his meal