One thing I'd like you to do is go through and remove the extra/unnecessary information. For example, in your first ability you have this:

Sivienna's darkness and fire magic has now grown slightly in strength. Instead of knowing only the kindling of both magic she now has mastered the basics of magic and is starting to learn the intermediate teachings of her darkness and fire magic.

Sivienna�s darkness and fire magic has now grown more powerful. Instead of only knowing the kindling�s and the basics of her magics. She now knows the intermediate teachings of her magic

Sivienna's darkness and fire magic has grown more powerful now, she has grown from intermediate teachings to more advanced teachings and her magic is a bit more powerful now.
All you really need there is the third little paragraph. You don't need to keep the "old versions" of current abilities. Just state specifically what each ability can currently do, so that I don't get confused as I read through them. I really appreciate you putting in the effort.