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  1. #1

    EXP: 32,526, Level: 7
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    Jake Narmolanya's Avatar


    Jacob (Jake) Narmolanya
    Elf / Human
    Jake awkwardly waved at Amari as Isabelle dragged him to her table and sat him down. Before him sat a plate of fruit and roasted vegetables. What, no protein? How was he supposed to train on a stomach full of rabbit food?

    “I hope you slept as well as I did last night,” Isabelle said suggestively as he picked up his fork.

    “Err, yeah I did, thanks.” Jake said. He shoveled food into his mouth, wanting to get out of the inn as soon as possible. He could feel Amari’s eyes on him, and knew the fact he was sitting with Isabelle rather than her probably bothered her. Hopefully the handkerchief would make up for it. He just needed to get away from the blonde long enough to pick the gift up and deliver it. How hard could that be?

    Isabelle slide out of her chair and shifted behind Jake, her hands danced over his shoulders. “You seem tense sweetie…” She massaged them in slow circles before drawling them down his chest. Jake thought he caught her throw Amari a triumphant gaze, but it was gone as quickly as it had came. Isabelle pressed her lips to Jakes cheek. “I planned for us to go on a horse drawn ride later tonight, doesn’t that sound romantic?”

    “Sounds lovely,” Jake muttered, his mouth full. “I’ll probably spend most of the day at the Dansdel though. Got to keep training.”

    “I enjoy watching your body…” Isabelles hands went lower, “Move…”

    Jake moved alright, nearly jumping out of his chair. He finished his meal and wiped his mouth on a sleeve and then stood and faced Isabelle.

    “Thanks for breakfast it was.. Er… lovely.” He said, trying not to notice Amari. “I’d better be off, but I’ll see you later…” he hesitated a moment, and then leaned in and gave her a quick peck on the cheek.

    She grabbed onto his arm before he could move away. “She was with him last night, just so you know. You shouldn’t feel guilty about us…” She gently let him go at that. “I will meet you at the Dansdel a little later then Jake.”

    “Alright,” Jake said, wondering what Amari and Josh had gotten up to, and why Isabelle found it so important to tell him. “I’ll see you there…” he broke away from the blonde and all but ran out of the inn.

    The wind tugged at his black silken scarf and played in his dirty blond hair as he hurried along the sunny streets of Underwood. He stopped at his favourite bakery to purchase an egg sandwich (he needed some real food, after all) and munched on it as he made his way to the seamstress’ shop. She was just opening up as he arrived at the door.

    “Oh, it’s you!” The shopkeeper said. “I was expecting you yesterday.”

    “Sorry about that,” Jake said, blushing, “I got a little sidetracked. Is my order still ready?”

    “Of course,” the woman laughed, “handkerchiefs don’t go bad.” She brought him to the back of the shop and handed him the freshly pressed kerchief. Embroidered in blue on the violet cloth were the words “For Amari, From Jake”.

    “Perfect,” Jake said. He paid the lady and then folded the kerchief and put it in his pocket and exited the shop, heading straight for the Dansdel. With any luck, he’d get there before Isabelle and she’d never question his whereabouts.

  2. #2
    Shattered heart and Soul

    EXP: 76,735, Level: 11
    Level completed: 98%, EXP required for next Level: 265
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    Amari's Avatar


    Amari L'Olfsden

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    Amari stood to leave shortly after Jake. She had planned to go the training grounds and sit and watch him for a short while, just to show that she was there and wanted to support him. Then she figured she’d return to the greenhouse, not to heal any of the plants today but to rest. She didn’t have it in her to do any work. Just as she was leaving the entrance was blocked by the blonde haired vixen. “Amari~” she cooed as she looped her arm around Amari’s shoulder. “Let’s walk and talk.”

    “Isabelle, I don’t do well with contact… it.-”

    Isabelle quickly withdrew her arm. “Ah! My mistake.” She sounded genuinely surprised. “I didn’t mean to intrude. Are you heading to the Dansdel?”

    Amari nodded. “Yeh… I was going to watch Jake a bit then head of. I’ll see him this evening.”

    “Uhp, actually...he and I have plans this evening.” Isabelle said. “And I mean… I guess its ok for you to watch him today, but you shouldn’t do that so much yanno? I’m his girl now, that’s my job.” Isabelle laughed. “Nothing against you, I’d just feel a little funny about having another woman around him so much. You’d understand right? Imagine if I was all over Joshua?” She snorted, “well, again.”

    Amari narrowed her eyes at the implication. “What you do in your own time is up to you, but Joshua and I...we haven’t done anything of the sort. I just told you I don’t do well with physical contact.”

    “What? No shit. Really? You mean you two didn’t-”

    “What? No! I mean..all we did was talk...Isabelle… you can’t expect me to stay away from Jake. He’s my friend.” Amari wasn't sure what to think of Isabelle, a part of her thought the girl was kind, but then there were times where it seemed like she was controlling or had ulterior motives. It was difficult to tell, and Amari was never really good with social interaction so couldn’t tell if it were her own paranoia or not.

    “Well. Jake and I are fucking. So I’d appreciate it if you backed off. I’ll let today slide, but don’t do it again.” she muttered.

    Amari wanted to tell the girl that she had no right saying what Amari could and couldn’t do. Amari felt for the first time in well….ever a fire burn inside of her. A part of her wanted to slap some sense into the woman, but she held her hand stiffly to her side. “Jake isn’t a commodity to own.” Amari hissed. “Don’t treat him like an object.”

    At this Isabelle scoffed. “Oh, like you’d be able to treat him any better. You can’t even have him touch you. No wonder why he’s so worked up. Face it, sweetheart. You’re not cut out for this.” Isabelle moved in front of Amari. “Why don’t you go run along to your little plants and play botany with the crazy ol’ lady.”

    “I want to see Jake.”

    Isabelle took a step closer. “Did I not make myself clear?” Amari felt a prick against her skin and realised it was a small dagger. It was not uncommon for women to carry them around tucked away in the folds of their clothing...but to have one drawn on her? Amari realised she should have trusted her gut. “Step away and head to your little house. Mention a word of this to anyone and I will cut out your pretty little tongue.” Isabelle hissed. “I like Jake, he’s a good fuck, a good soul, and has a plethora of magic at his fingertips. He will be happy with me.”

    Isabelles voice lightened as she stepped away, giving Amari a light pat on her shoulder. “Ahaha, oh sweetie, you and your crazy plant talk. I do hope we can still be friends.” And with that she waved Amari goodbye.

    At a loss of what to do, Amari turned and headed home. She didn’t want to deal with people today, if this is how they truly were. Returning to the inn Amari locked herself in her room and shut off all the lights before grabbing the blanket off the bed and sitting in the corner of her room.

    Humans were bastards.

    She pressed her head into her knees and for the first time in her life, she felt anger, real anger - a fury that she didn’t know how to cope with or deal with.

  3. #3

    EXP: 32,526, Level: 7
    Level completed: 70%, EXP required for next Level: 2,474
    Level completed: 70%,
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    Jake Narmolanya's Avatar


    Jacob (Jake) Narmolanya
    Elf / Human
    Jake made it back to the Dansdel without running into Isabelle, but failed to find Amari in the stands. He was just turning to head toward the greenhouse when Joshua Cronen stepped out from behind a hay cart.

    “Jake,” Breaker said, his face for once not spread in a stupid grin. “Have you seen Amari? When she wasn’t at the greenhouse I figured she’d be here.”

    “Keeping pretty close tabs on her, aren’t you?”Jake retorted. He tried to walk past the man but Breaker flowed at his side like a hunting jungle cat.

    “You’re her best friend, as far as I can tell.” The sheriff said. “Where do you think she might be?”

    “How should I know? I was about to go looking for her at the greenhouse, so you’re one step ahead of me, Breaker.” Jake changed directions, turning down a different road, but the damn man moved like a ghost and stayed with him. “Look, maybe she went for a walk in the woods. That’s something you’d have advised, right?”

    “Maybe,” Josh said, “or maybe she’s just back at the inn. If I do a quick patrol around the town, will you check her room?”

    Jake bit back another retort and took a deep breath. Breaker seemed concerned, and he was just trying to help. And in any case, Jake needed to find Amari before he lost the handkerchief.

    “Alright,” he relented, slowing his pace. “She likes that place by the tree where you found us some time ago. Start your search there. I’ll head to the inn.”

    “Thank you,” the sheriff said, and hurried away.

    Jake turned in the direction of their inn when a familiar blonde head and generous pair of breasts appeared in front of him.

    “Jake!” She exclaimed, delighted as she quickly took his arm in her own. “So good to see you! For a moment there I thought you were going to run off on me.” She laughed. “I thought you were going to go train, isn’t the Dansdel in the opposite direction? Did something happen?” She sounded at least a little concerned.

    “No, nothing happened,” Jake said, “I just forgot my…” he trailed off as he realized his tonfa was hanging from his hip. “I mean… yes, something happened, but I shouldn’t talk about it.” He said to give himself more time to think.

    Isabelle tightened her grip on his arm. “Why not? You can tell me, maybe I can help?”

    “No it’s just… there was this guy I got in a fight with a while ago. Actually, there was three of them. But one of them challenged me to a duel with live weapons. I need to get my sword.”

    “Oh… well, let me come with you. I’ll be like emotional support!”

    It was clear he was not going to get rid of her.

    “Oh, yeah,” Jake said, wondering why he had to be such a terrible liar, “but the duel’s not until tonight.”

    “Tonight? Jake! We had plans...what about the carriage ride?” Isabelle let him go and stood in front of him, her hands on his chest. “If it’s not till tonight….why retrieve it now?” She looked up at him with those sad, puppy dog eyes. “If we miss out on that ride, will you make it up to me now?”

    “Well I wanted to get some practice in with the sword,” Jake explained, “the weight is all different from the stick.”

    “Either way I’ll be by your side!” Isabelle said with a bright smile. “Through thick or thin. That’s what partners do, right?”

    Jake stifled a grimace and managed to smile instead. He couldn’t take Isabelle to the inn with him, that would ruin everything… in any case, Breaker would probably check there after he searched the forest.

    “Alright,” he said, “I’ll make it up to you now. What would you like to do?”

    “You~” She said with a coy smirk. “C’mon - I know a place.”

  4. #4
    Shattered heart and Soul

    EXP: 76,735, Level: 11
    Level completed: 98%, EXP required for next Level: 265
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    Amari's Avatar


    Amari L'Olfsden

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    Amari wasn’t sure how long she had been sitting there quietly to her own thoughts. The more she sat there, the more she twisted between feeling angry and upset. She was furious that Isabelle would say such things to her, but even more angry at the fact that they held a lot of truth… Amari had never meant to be a burden to Jake. She had tried her best to help him but at every turn...he seemed to get angry with her. So wouldn’t it be best for her to just leave?

    If she was out of the picture wouldn’t Jake be happy? He’d have his...girlfriend or whatever, he’d have his fighting and he had a fantastic teacher and mentor in Joshua. Amari stood and glanced around her room. She didn’t exactly have a lot of things to call her own. Only the few things that Jake had bought her.


    She really had depended on him too much. Amari pottered about her room, collecting the most basic of things. One set of warm clothes, one set of cooler clothes… shoes and boots. What else did she need? Amari went to look for her handkerchief only to recall that Jake had lost it.


    That’s everything then. Amari sat down at her desk and began to silently write a letter with a heavy heart. This was...for the best. She’d write one for Jake, then one for Joshua. Then she’d go get some supplies and head to the greenhouse to say goodbye to Helen.

    Amari left the two letters on the table.Thankfully...Helen had offered her money for her troubles, Amari wouldn’t know what to do without having that small pouch of coins. She needed some sort of rations. Ah...but what do people buy for rations?

    A gentle knock echoed through the solid oaken door.

    Amari stilled. Who would that have been? She didn’t answer straight away. Instead, she stayed very quiet. Maybe if she didn’t make a sound they’d assume she wasn’t there.

    “Amari?” Came Joshua’s voice. “Are you in there?”

    Amari wanted to answer him. She wanted to slide her letter under the door and let him know she was leaving, but Amari wasn’t good at that sort of thing. Wouldn’t it have been better to just...go? Amar tiptoed around the side of the bed to hide. Praying that the squeaking floorboards were not loud enough for him to hear.

    “Amari… I can hear you moving in there,” the sheriff said somewhat sheepishly. “I don’t know why you’re hidden away, but whatever it is, it can’t possibly be made worse by talking to me. May I come in?”

    Amari stayed silent. The door slowly clicked and was pushed open. Amari’s eyes widened when she realised she had forgotten to lock it. She quickly dropped and kicked her travel bag under the bed and awkwardly greeted the man. “A-ah. Hello Joshua. Nice to see you today.”

    Josh did not look quite like himself. It was perhaps the first time Amari had seen him sweating, as if he’d been running all over town. Rather than his familiar smile, a troubled expression haunted his gaze.

    “It’s good to see you,” he said, “when you weren’t in any of the usual places… I admit, I got worried. Even Jake didn’t know where you were.”

    Amari laughed. “Ah..yeh..That’s my fault. I told him I’d meet him at the Dansdel but I wasn’t feeling too good so I came back here to tidy up the room.” She paused. “Did you need me to find you a glass of water? I’d offer you my handkerchief but Jake lost it.” concern filled Amari’s voice as Joshua stepped into the room breathing heavily. Amari moved out the way and gestured for him to sit on her bed. “Sit. I’ll wet a towel for you.”

    Amari headed to the bathroom to fetch a hand towel. She drenched it in water and wrung it out before returning it to him. “Here.”

    “Ah, thank you.” Josh said, quickly catching his breath. He took the towel and dabbed at his forehead and collar. “What’s the matter?”

    “Just a little hungover from last night. I think I need more-” Amari sighed. She didn’t feel comfortable lying. Instead of telling him she headed to her desk and handed him a letter. Detailing her run in with Isabelle, and how she felt she was a burden and that she wanted to grow on her own. Promising to return when she was able to hold her own.

    “I was planning on leaving today.” Amari said as she set the letter in Joshua’s lap. “I appreciate everything you’ve done for me, but I feel...well - things get complicated. I’ve been shut away most of my life and I think I need to experience things to understand better.”

    Josh was quiet a moment. “I’m sorry,” he said, “I thought you’d found that here. I thought you were happy learning from me, and Helen.”

    “I was...I mean I am but - I’m not exactly a wanted nor liked person here Joshua. I want to better myself. The letter sorta explains that.”

    “What are you talking about?” He said in surprise. “Who doesn’t like you?”

    Amari glanced down at the letter then turned away from him, heading back into the bathroom. Isabelle...Isabelle didn’t like her, nor did half the other girls in town. Jake was beginning to show resentment toward her too. It’d only be a matter of time until Joshua acted the same way. “I’ll get you a water.”

    “Just sit with me, for a moment.” Joshua told her. The letter was open in his hands. Finally, he’d read it. Amari hesitated, before finally sitting down next to him. “You know, not everyone is going to like you, everywhere you go. That’s something you’ll have to learn to deal with. If you run from it every time, you’ll soon run out of villages.

    “And if you feel like you’re a burden on Jake… well, maybe you have been depending on him too long. Maybe he’s the one who should move on.”

    “He’s doing that.” Amari said as she threw herself back onto the bed to stare at the ceiling. The man had given her some things to think about. “I’m happy for him. I think. Just frustrated that I was being lied to, I guess.”

    “It sounds like what you really need is to have a proper talk with him.” Josh said. “But if it’s a matter of independence, we could easily find you work around here. You’re a fantastic cook. You might even find a place that isn’t, you know, right next to Jake.”

    Amari shifted her eyes to look up at Joshua. How was he smiling? She looked a mess, her hair was sprawled around her and her dress unironed. Still, it warmed her to see him calm again. “I think you’re right. I wish i wasn’t so closed off from the world. I feel I’d be...Smarter? More astute to the life of being an actual adult. My whole life I was-” Amari paused. Unsure of how to continue. “Conditioned by my brother, to be something, and on top of that - I was being prepared to be handed to the Etheral Sway come my 18th. I wonder what would have happened if I didn’t step through that door. How different my life may have been. Would I be stronger? Weaker?”

    “You’ll never know,” Josh said, “and you’ll never know for sure what you’ll be tomorrow. Only what you are today. And I hope you choose to stay around, at least for awhile.” He reached out as if to pat her on the shoulder and then hesitated, drawing his hand back. Something seemed to be on his mind but he stood up and moved away. “Why don’t I go and see if Helen has something for your hangover?”

    Amari sat up, “Joshua what was -” She was about to question him on it, but became distracted by his offer. “Yeh. Should I join you?”

    “You just rest here and… think happy thoughts.” Josh said. “I’ll be back before you know it.”

  5. #5

    EXP: 32,526, Level: 7
    Level completed: 70%, EXP required for next Level: 2,474
    Level completed: 70%,
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    Jake Narmolanya's Avatar


    Jacob (Jake) Narmolanya
    Elf / Human
    The greenhouse door banged shut behind them, and Jake returned the hairpins he’d used to pick the lock to Isabelle.

    “See?” The blonde said. “That weird plant-loving woman is always gone around the same time. This is the perfect place to fuck.” She led Jake to a table covered by potted ferns and leaned against it, grinding her ass back against his hips. “Go on, adventurer. See what you discover under my skirt.”

    “I’ve already felt that,” Jake growled, his blood roused. “Maybe I want to try something else.” He spun her around forcefully and tangled a hand in that long blonde hair, kissing her hard on the lips. His pressure on the roots of her hair increased and she obediently sank to her knees, wide eyes looking up at him all the while.

    “Will this please you?” She asked, fingers working on the laces of his breeches. She licked her lips and then kissed his cock as it sprang free. Her hands encircled his waist as her mouth went to work, and before Jake knew what was happening she’d pulled the handkerchief free.

    “Jake?! What is this?” She demanded, standing up and wiping her lips. Jake put himself away and stammered to explain.

    “It was a present, for Amari’s birthday. Which was yesterday, but I forgot to give it to her then, so I was just-”

    “You were just on your way to give it to her now? And you lied to me? There is no duel tonight, is there?” She demanded.

    “Err, no.” Jake shuffled his feet. “Look, I just didn’t want you to get upsest-”

    “Well great job!”

    “Um… excuse me.” Jake winced at the sound of the familiar voice and turned around slowly. There stood Breaker, staring at them in confusion. “What are you two doing in here?”

    “I, we were just, I mean-” Jake stammered.

    “Oh for fuck’s sake, we were fucking!” Isabelle exclaimed. “Or we were GOING to. Not now.” She pushed her way past the sheriff and marched out of the greenhouse, still carrying the handkerchief embroidered for Amari.

    “Shit,” Jake swore, “I better go after her-”

    “You can do that after you explain how you got in here,” Breaker said, raising a firm hand, “and I think you and I should have a talk about Amari. Or rather, I should tell you that you need to have a talk with Amari.”

    “What? Come on, me and Amari are fine.” Jake said. “Wait, so you found her?”

    “Back at the inn. She was getting ready to leave town.”

    “What?” Jake exclaimed. “Why would she do that?”

    “Mostly it seems something to do with a run in with your blonde friend there. But it’s partially the way you’re treating her. She needs some space to grow in.”

    “She can have all the space she wants!” Jake said.

    “Living in the room next to yours, and doing your laundry?”

    “Hey,” Jake said defensively, “that was her idea. It was kind of like a tradition, from the first night we met. I thought it was part of Salvic hospitality.”

    “It doesn’t matter, you need to stop abusing your relationship with her.”

    “Oh come on,” Jake said weakly. “You don’t really think… you’re right, I need to go and talk to her.”

    “Not now,” Josh said, “she’s expecting me. If you care about salvaging your relationship with the blonde, I suggest you go do something about that.”

    Jake groaned. The handkerchief.

  6. #6
    Shattered heart and Soul

    EXP: 76,735, Level: 11
    Level completed: 98%, EXP required for next Level: 265
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    Amari's Avatar


    Amari L'Olfsden

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    There were a series of loud knocks at the door. Amari groaned. She had taken Joshua’s advice and drawn the curtains to rest in the dark room. She assumed it was Joshua. “S’Open….” She mumbled.

    The door swung open, bouncing off of its hinges. “YOU fuckin’ harlot! I told you to stay away from him.”

    Amari sat up rubbing her eyes. “Isabelle? I haven’t seen him today … except this morning what are y-” Isabelle had stalked across the room and practically threw Amari out of bed. “I fuckin’ warned you, you conniving bitch.”

    “Really, I just want sleep right now...Isabelle I-Urrkk…” Amari felt a pang of heat at her side. Isabelle had dug the knife down into her abdomen. “Stay. Away.” She hissed before making a quick exit.
    Amari groaned...she hadn’t been stabbed before, this -this pain. Ah. There was lots of blood. She lifted her shaking hands to stare at them. Red. It dripped from her hands and plopped lightly in the growing puddle around her. Her eyes stung and she tried to call out for help but no words came out. She shook. Was this what Jake meant when he said that the body goes into shock? Amari slumped down, her head colliding with the wooden floorboards.

    She opened her mouth again but no words came out. She had to...she had to do something. Her hands found their way back to her wound and a flickering dim light sank into her flesh. Amari gave a startled cry that gurgled at the back of her throat. Somehow...her wound had began to heal. It wasn’t enough to completely recover, but enough to steep the bleeding. The pain that wracked her body was twice that of what she felt.

    Shit….shit shit shit….I can’t...let...anyone see this…

    She thought to herself as she tried to drag herself to the bathroom. All she had to do was clean up. All she had to do was….

    Hours had passed. So much so that when Amari finally awoke, it was night time. Her side stung and her head was heavy. It took her a few moments to process what had happened

    A tired knock came at the door, followed by Joshua’s voice calling to her.

    Right… he had gone to Helens to get her some said.Amari lifted herself up off the ground with a great deal of effort. Her clothes painfully stuck to the floorboards from dried blood and Amari struggled to find the energy to continue to lift herself up. “H-Here..:” She weakly called out, unsure if he heard her.

    “Sorry I was so long,” Josh said as he strolled into the room, “I was sidetracked on my way back. There was a robbery on the outskirts of town, and-” he cut off, sniffing the air. “Amari, is that blood?”

    “I-I’m fine…” She called out from the bathroom. Determined to not let him worry. SHe was stronger than this. What was this? A flesh wound… a part of her screamed at her that this was nothing, and that she had to get up. First one foot...then the other…She reached out for the sink and used it for support. “J-just give me a minute…” She glanced down at herself. Her blood soaked clothes would have to be removed. With one hand on the sink she used the other hand to slip off her pants and then to pry the clothing away from her wound. It stuck there and she hissed inwardly, biting down on her tongue to avoid altering Joshua. “I-I need...bathe...:” Amari struggled to call out to him. “W-wait p-p-p-lease?”

    “Amari, what’s wrong?” Josh called. “What happened here?”

    “F-fell…” She wheezed as Amari finally managed to pull her top over her head. Great… now all she had to do was ...walk to the other side of the bathroom, climb into the bath, wash herself and dress herself without alerting Breaker to the fact that she had been stabbed.

    ...just a walk in the park right?

    Amari stepped away from the sink only to come crashing down hard against the floor. Her plan may have been a little too over zealous. She swore loudly at the pain.

    The bathroom door practically came off its hinges as Joshua entered the room. He was at her side in a moment, hands tracing the partially healed wound on her side. Aside from the pain she felt other sensations welling up inside of her. She shifted her legs awkwardly and gave a small moan.

    “Who did this to you?” He demanded. “I’m so sorry Amari, this is all my fault.”

    “N-no…” Amari said as she grabbed his upper arm. “Just...Isabelle is… a little protective I think.” Amari joked. It was hard to concentrate the feelings of pain and pleasure ebbing at her core, each one vying for control. She knew it had something to do with her brothers sigils but beyond that, had no idea how to stop it. A part of her didn’t want the mish-mash to end so she pressed herself further into his body.

    “That crazy blonde sack of crazy?” Josh asked. “She stabbed you? I sent Jake after her… I’d better go and find them now. I’ll have one of the serving girls come up to see to you.”

    Amari groaned at his suggestion. Did he have to leave? Her hand gripped his jacket. “There’s...something… I need to tell you…” She breathed. “About my past…” She wanted to tell him everything she knew, everything Jake had told her that was in the book he had, and so she did. She told him all of it before finally letting go of his clothes.

    Josh picked her up effortlessly and carried her into the bedroom. He set her down on the mattress and covered her with blankets. “Just a minute,” he said, and returned in one with a wet towel, as she’d done for him. He moved the blankets aside and bathed her wound, brushing away the dried blood.

    “If I knew it took getting stabbed for you to tell me all that, I never would have asked.” He said.

    Amari managed a laugh. “It isn’t easy to admit your whole childhood you were subconsciously raised to be a sex toy.” Her words sounded so harsh when she said them, so much so that Joshua stopped for a moment. Amari tried to brush it off. “It’s fine… you should talk to Jake he has the book. He’d know more…” Amar turned to Joshua and pressed her hand to his cheek. “Thank you. Its...relieving to have that off my chest.”

    “Thank you for telling me,” he said, putting a heavily callused hand overtop of hers.

    “It’s why I’m so….cautious, why I ran away that night I kissed you...and why I rebuffed your advances. I’m worried of what I may turn into. I want to try but I just….”

    “I understand,” he said, “that’s part of the reason I want you to stay. So I can help keep you on a good path.”

    "What if my path is destined to go someplace dark?" Amari asked. "I...I have these dreams that I am this horribly scarred woman - of a man with long platinum hair and cold green eyes. I..." Amari glanced down at her hands. "I do terrible things in those dreams."

    Breaker squeezed her hand. "Sometimes timelines and pathways intersect. The possibilities are endless. They may be dreams, they may be a past life or one that could have been. But Amari. You need to promise me something." He lifted her chin with his hand and she met his warm hazel gaze. "Promise me whatever happens these coming days, weeks, and months that you won't leave. That you will hold strong and know that there are people that care about you. Can you promise me that?"

    Amari slowly nodded, feeling entranced by his gaze. How could she not agree when he was so close to her? "I promise."

    Breaker smiled and exhaled slowly. Amari furrowed her brow wondering if he had been holding his breath. He hesitated and drew in closer. She thought he was going to kiss her and felt nervous, alive, her heart pounding. Then he pulled away and chucked. Breaker stood. "For now you need rest. I will sort things out. Take care Amari."

    He ensured she got to the bed safely before bidding a final farewell to the woman. Promising that in the coming months. Things would be alright.

    And Amari had faith in not only him, but Jake - that everything would work out in the end.

    Breaker was right. There were probably countless lives she has lived, different paths and possibilities that could have happened but didn't. She could have never stepped through that door with Jake. She could have gone to the Church - and what then?

    Here, and now.

    This was her happy story.
    Last edited by Amari; 12-31-2017 at 11:29 AM.

  7. #7
    Let Them Sing

    EXP: 155,108, Level: 17
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    Level completed: 18%,
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  8. #8
    Let Them Sing

    EXP: 155,108, Level: 17
    Level completed: 18%, EXP required for next Level: 14,892
    Level completed: 18%,
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    Shinsou Vaan Osiris

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    Amari receives 1910 EXP and 165 GP (inclusive of noble commerce ability)!

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