"M-me?” Amari glanced up at Breaker, jumping slightly as he addressed her. Her hands reached awkwardly for her long, red tendrils as she began to tug on them. “It’s...it’s ok. I mean. Jake keeps trying to get me to learn to fight but no matter how hard I try…” She trailed off… no matter how hard she tried, she was completely inept at any sort of combat. It felt almost wrong to hold a weapon in her hands and despite her attempts to relay this to Jake, he insisted that she should protect herself. He was right, and she was doing her best but it just wasn’t good enough.

“I can’t seem to grasp it. I know it’s silly…” A forced laugh fell from Amari’s lips as she turned her brilliant golden and emerald eyes toward Jake, watching him intently practise. “But it almost hurts to hold such a thing… Jake says I need to familiarise myself with it moreso, but I find it ever so difficult.”

“Not everyone is meant to wield a sword,” Breaker mused, watching Jake practice over her shoulder. “But an Ar’Tuel such as you will have other talents worth honing.”

Amari felt… validated by Breakers words. He sounded almost amused, as though he knew something that was so evidently obvious, and she just didn’t get it. Still. Despite that… it was comforting to hear that maybe, just maybe she wasn’t completely inept.

“Jake says I need to defend myself.” Amari muttered, still attempting to rationalise things. “I do not know what I am beyond Ar’Tuel. You-” Amari paused as Breaker had taken a step closer. Did he? She wasn’t sure. He felt closer. “You…”

Yeh. He was closer, she could smell faint remnants of alcohol, and the sea, somehow. At least it reminded her of the sea. Despite only ever seeing it in pictures. “You seem to know much about me, but we never got the chance to talk. I do think it would be nice to do so. One question I have, is what other abilities do you believe one such as myself could possibly possess?”

“With a soul like yours, I believe the possibilities are endless,” he said, gazing at her but seeming to see inside her. “Have you noticed any powers manifesting already?”

Amari blinked, powers? She repeated her sentiment. “Powers? That goes entirely against the teaching of the Ethereal Sway! I was meant to go there when I turned 18, but on my birthday everything with Jake happened. Regardless... such things - that’s a little...preposterous.”

He continued to stare at her, that gaze burning into her. Dammit… why did it make her feel so...what was this? Awkward? Flushed? “I guess..” I glanced down at my hands. “I think I see my hands glowing sometimes, and it’s like animals understand me.”

Amari waved off her admission like it was nothing more than a passing thought. “Ahaha… not...not that I can talk to animals, just that they understood. There was this bear and he was so lovely and warm and we’d often take walks in the forest before Jake dragged me here…” Her voice trailed off as she remembered the feeling of being surrounded by all the forests.

Sure..this place was ok...but it was nothing like being surrounded by those trees, the babbling brooks and the gentle smell of fresh loamy earth.

“Ah. I am getting carried away with myself. I’m sorry. How are you Breaker?” Amari asked as she glanced up at him.

“I am well,” he smiled, “but busy. Being sheriff of this town keeps me fairly occupied. In fact I’m meant to meet with the mayor shortly.” He gave a little half bow. “If you want to investigate these… non-powers of yours, try taking a walk in the woods and just focusing on what you feel.” He glanced at Jake, who was still rigorously practicing his single technique. “It was good to see you again, Amari.”

Amari smiled up at him. “Thank you, and likewise. Talking to you. It feels calm. Familiar. You’ve set some thoughts of mine at ease so-” Amari paused to slightly bow her head. “So thank you.”

Breaker grinned and took a five-pointed metal star out of his pocket and pinned it on his shirt. “Just doing my duty,” he said with a nod, and turned to walk away.

Amari’s eyes lingered on the back of Breaker’s head as he turned from her. Just his duty? Was that it. A small frown plagued her lips. That was somewhat disappointing, but she couldn’t pinpoint why. Amari shook such thoughts from her head as she turned to Jake. He was breathing heavily and sweat dripped from his forehead to the dirt riddled floor. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a clean hankerchief as she approached him with a warm smile.


He was always so familiar, so set on his goals. It was endearing to see.

“Here.” She reached out toward him and he paused. “Would you like to take a break? You look like you are having trouble.”