Amari awoke the next day, groggy. Her and Joshua had shared drinks, talking late into the night. She was sure that he had moved in to kiss her a few times, but she rebuffed. She hadn’t admitted it to him, but she was afraid. She had never consciously kissed anyone, granted… the sordid memories of what her brother did to her...a part of her knew that they were ingrained into her being - that was what her brother wanted after all - but Amari didn’t want him to think less of her. She shifted out of her bed her eyes fell to the folded note on her bedside table, a note from her late night guest.

Dear Amari,

Thank you for sharing your birthday with me, it is not often I find occasion for such a relaxing evening. You are a wonderful cook and a great friend. I only hope I didn’t overstay my welcome. Be seeing you soon,


Amari read it and smiled. He had a good time, and he had let himself out. He made sure she wasn’t alone that night and that meant more than the world to her. She glanced to her wrist at the intricate weaving. It glimmered in the morning light.


Jake would be up soon. Amari, despite feeling quite hungover got dressed, and headed downstairs to order food for both herself and her friend. She was surprised however, to see a familiar face beaming at her from a table, with two plates already in front of her. “Amari! Over here!” Isabelle said, waving her over.

Curious...and still a little miffed at her...Amari cautiously headed over to the blonde. “What?”

Isabelle flinched, “Oo, well a good morning to you too sunshine.” She huffed.

Thinking that maybe...she was wrong Amari sighed and rubbed her head. “Sorry… I should not have snapped. How are you Isabelle? What brings you here?”

“Jake and I are spending the day together.” She beamed. “We’re going on a date...I hope we didn’t keep you up last night. You’re in the room next to him, right?”

Amari nodded. “Yes, I am but I hadn’t really heard anything.” Amari had a guess to what Isabelle was implying, but she wasn’t going to question it. She honestly hadn’t heard a thing, perhaps if she wasn’t with Breaker, she would have - but their conversations filled whatever silence would have unsettled Amari.

“You...don’t mind do you?” Isabelle asked, a finger circling the glass before her. “Jake and I, I mean...It’s not like you can follow him around forever, right?”

Amari felt her gut twist. “Right. I assume that plate is for him?” Isabelle nodded. “Yup. I hope he likes it. I mean, I know I worked up an appetite last night, if you know what I mean…” Isabelle eyed Amari suspiciously.

“I’m sure you do know.” She said with a small wink.

Amari didn’t. She instead offered Isabelle a small smile, the girl was being nice enough… but Amari still felt betrayed and didn’t exactly what to spend a lot of time around her. “I see. I’ll leave you two to your day.” Amari headed over to a smaller table to sit on her own and ordered herself a cup of tea. She wasn’t really hungry.

Was this how things were meant to be now? Would this mean she’d see Jake less and less? Amari stared at her disheveled reflection in the tea. Thaynes above she looked a mess. Amari glanced back at Isabelle who was prettying herself up in a small pocket mirror then to the stairs, she could see the familiar boots trudge down them. Jake was awake.

“Mayhaps we will spend some time together tonight.” Amari told herself as she took a sip from her cup. She watched as Jake glanced at her, then to Isabelle who had jumped from the table and escorted him to her own. He glanced over at Amari and she mustered up the warmest smile she could and waved at him.

She wanted him to be happy at least.