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  1. #1
    Senior Member

    EXP: 61,139, Level: 10
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    Level completed: 65%,
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    Nevin's Avatar


    Nevin Aimaparapoiitis
    22 / 37
    Human (Godling)
    Nevin firmly closed the door to the bookstore behind him, and let out a long, long sigh of absolute frustration. He had desperately been searching for any sign of a book on blood magic, or on the Crimson, for days now. He had thought, that if anywhere was to have such a text, Radasanth would be it. But no, no such luck.

    He was still stuck in his search for a way to preserve Eteri’s lifespan. He didn't have access to traditional holy magic - that was the kind of thing most people turned to for healing. But this wasn't a case of needing healing, this was a case of needing to extend a natural lifespan. The alchemist hesitated for a moment as that thought came to him.

    Because he remembered someone else who had used Alchemy and other arts in an attempt to extend life. And that man had gone down extremely dark paths, including capturing and mutilating a Fae, and trapping her spirit in his tower while he hijacked her body. And while Nevin was desperate to keep her with him - he didn't think he would be able to live with himself if he ever went that far. No, no he would never stoop to necromancy - that much he could promise himself.

    But, what other options were there, what did he have? It drove him mad, that he had all this potential power, and no way of showing it. Worse, he knew that Eteri was picking up on the change in his mood. He'd been staying at the shop less and less as he frantically searched for a way to save her - though when he was there, he made damn sure he was attentive. He didn't want her to think that he didn't love her - it was her love for him that spurred him onwards. He just - he couldn't bear to look at her for long, when he felt that he was failing her.

    For a moment, he wondered. Was he failing her? She - she felt ten years was enough. For her, that really was a lifetime. Wouldn't it be - wouldn't it be cruel to her, to make her outlive her sister? Even if the two seemed antagonistic at times, he knew they loved each other. Could he really be selfish enough to force her to stay? Was he being an idiot?

    ”It's like you're clinging to the first person to show you positive attention, and that's not healthy.” Unbidden, Ayaka’s accusation came back to him. Eteri wasn't the first to show him affection - Stare, Fenn, Ezra, Elthas. His friends came to mind. But Eteri was the first who had gone out of her way for him, the first to show an interest in Nevin beyond being an Alchemist, or a friend. Ezra’s awkward faux pas didn't count - the Homunculus had still been figuring out social cues when they did things like that.

    He paused and looked around. He was in the streets, and had been wandering as he thought. Nevin didn't even remember starting to walk - his feet had carried him without his conscious direction. He was - standing in front of the Church. His Church. It was in far better repair than the last time he had seen it - the stonework repaired, and with what he considered beautifully drawn red vines mimicking ivy crawling up the sides in a brilliant crimson paint. The grand, imposing doors had been replaced, and now had red cherry wood doors standing open, inviting passerby to come in. Warm golden-red light shone inside, beckoning to him.

    With a deep breath, Nevin went inside. The last time he had come in here, he had been dropping off the holy text for the Crimson Church. He'd avoided them since that time, claiming that he was not ready to take up the Mantle of Messiah for them. Or more, not that they knew that. Now, he entered with his head held high, as he looked around.

    He didn't know where they had gathered the artwork - it was of gorgeous red-hued landscapes, almost resembling Lindequalme in some paintings. A red-orange sea crashed against pink sand, and the clouds seemed to be in permanent sunset or sunrise, bathed in a myriad collection of reds and oranges.

    “Do you like them?” An unknown voice made Nevin turn his head around. The person who had come up was dressed in a simple white robe, with a red sash holding it shut. The man had a pleasant, open smile on his face. “You're a new guest. Welcome to the Crimson Church.” He bowed.

    Nevin blinked. The man must have joined the Church after his last visit, because otherwise he would she surely recognized the redhead. “Them?” Hmm. Maybe he could learn how the new Church was doing from this man who didn't know who he was speaking with.

    “Yes, the artwork. Every painting you see here is done by one of our own. It's rare, but every so often one of us sees a gorgeous vista, and when we awaken from our sleep, we are compelled to paint it.” The man swept his hand along the wall where the paintings hung. “Each one is hung here. These are the welcoming ones, down at the end is the ones that unsettle people.” Nevin raised a blood-red eyebrow.

    “Unsettle people? Why not hide them away, then?” The clergyman shook his head, almost as if he had expected the question.

    “Our Church is based upon acceptance of differences. The Great Flow of Crimson runs through us all, unites us all, and accepts us all into its rivers when we pass on. It would be a disgrace upon the name of all we believe in, to not accept those paintings. Just because the landscape they see disturbs some, does not mean that what they experienced is any less valid than what others saw. Now, would you like to join us? We are getting ready for our afternoon prayers.” Nevin gave a very slow nod. Maybe - maybe coming here could help him calm the turmoil in his mind. What the clergyman had said was already echoing back and forth.

    The two men - one firmly of the Church, the other, tied to it in a most intimate fashion, made their way down the hall. As they passed the so called ‘disturbing’ paintings, Nevin could see why. The other paintings had animals in them, strange unknown animals perhaps, but animals. These ones though, felt - empty. Like something was missing. The colors were faded, wearing away almost - but the paint looked fresh. Nevin paused, staring at them.

    “The ones who see these landscapes always wake up crying.” Nevin turned to look at the priest, who had turned when he realized Nevin had stopped walking. He came to the alchemist’s side, and bowed his head. “The land - it cries out, something vital is missing. The land itself is washed out, faded in these landscapes, and the ones who witness it fear that if what is missing is not returned, the land may die. But - there is little we can do. And these vistas, are even rarer than the others. Come, come. Prayer will begin soon.” Nevin stared at the paintings a moment longer, then followed the priest.

    He knew what was missing. The God. But he did not dare say anything - not yet. He wasn’t sure he was ready to be a focal point of this Church. Maybe soon, but not yet.

    The prayer hall was surprisingly packed with people - at least, it was surprising to Nevin. The last time he had come here, the number of attendees had been, while not small, no where near this large. Now, it felt like there were over a hundred people crammed into this one small chamber, and they were all - well, Nevin felt oddly welcome here. He took a deep breath - and frowned. There were faces in the crowd that he recognized, but he wasn’t sure from where. It wasn’t from the original roster of attendees to the Church - no, it was from somewhere else. But where? He frowned, and put it out of his head. While the rest of the group began to pray, he closed his eyes and focused in thought.

    Acceptance. Such a small word, one that carried so much weight. It was - it was one of the core tenets of the faith that he followed, that he - had originated? It was difficult at times to think of the Crimson Church properly, because he felt simultaneously like a follower, a reluctant adherent, and also like - like he was the one who was behind everything, had initiated it all. It was an odd duality, and one that threw him for a loop at times. He sighed - this rambling wasn’t what he was trying to think of. No - he wanted to focus on what the priest had said. Acceptance was one of their core values, their main beliefs. The Crimson ran through everyone, giving to each in their own turn, displaying itself in different ways for different people, but - but, no one person was supposed to be more, or less valuable than another.

    But -but he couldn’t really agree with that. Because he valued Eteri more highly than anyone in this room. How could he get these two inherent feelings to agree with each other? He swallowed as he tried to think. Then his eyes opened up. He was being selfish. He wasn’t accepting Eteri’s own desires in all this, just focusing on his own. And that realization tore him, because he knew that she’d slap him for being selfish, and then give him a kiss and tell him it was ok to be selfish. He took a deep breath.

    He had to talk with her. He was being an idiot, not including her in what he was thinking. Who knows how torn up she was right now, by his constant -

    Nevin...I didn’t lie that night...if you truly are becoming something far greater than I, something devine. I want you to know you have my support. You have my devotion, I love you and I pray to you, for you, and ask that you continue to strive forward in whatever path you may take. You say you may not be enough but you are, you really are.

    Nevin fell to his knees as a voice slipped into his head, quiet and thunderous at the same time. It was like - it was like he had gone for days, weeks, without hearing anything, his ears unused to working, and suddenly they were working with crystal clarity. It was - it was strange, because he knew that the voice hadn’t reached his ears, but he also recognized it. How could he not? That was Eteri. But how in the name of Crimson had he heard her, when he knew that she was still at the sho-

    His mind stilled, as people began crowding around him. She prayed to him. Nevin forced himself to his feet, pushing away the concerned congregation - until one of them seized his arm.

    “Ladies, Gentlemen! Our Messiah, come to join us! He is alright now. But do you see, unity? Even in his very actions, he lives it - he did not push his way to the front, but instead stood amongst the rest of us Children of the Flow! Messiah, are you alright, in truth?” It was - it was the preacher that Nevin had given the holy book to - one of those who would recognize him. Nevin wanted to curse the fact that he had collapsed. He wanted to get home, immediately, and find out what in the name of the Flow was happening, and how Eteri had managed to reach him with a prayer. He nodded, roughly, and gently pried his arm from the man’s grasp.

    “Ye-yes, I am fine.” Nevin suppressed a growl at the fact that he had to clear his throat in the middle of that. He brushed himself down from the fall. “My apologies, I didn’t intend to disrupt the service.”

    “No, no my lord! You are never a disruption - in fact, tonight, we felt closer to our God than we ever have before, and I am sure it is due to your presence.” The redhead had to fight down a powerful urge to laugh at that - laugh, or sob. “We thank you - but, you look a bit pale. Perhaps you should come to lay down and rest?” Nevin shook his head, his red hair whipping about his face.

    “No - no, I should return to my shop. I left a dangerous brew simmering, and I should check it before things begin to deteriorate.” There was absolutely no way the alchemist could tell them the truth - that his lover had managed to pray to him, and get her message heard. The people around him let him go, forming a path out of the congregation for him. Nevin thanked them and began to leave, only for one man near the end to move out of the way a little slower.

    “My King. I’ll let the others know that you are tied to this church indeed. Wonderful news - we look forward to your next art show.” Then the stranger was gone. It wasn’t until Nevin was outside that he froze as he processed what the man was referring to. ‘My King’ - ‘art show’. Nevin whipped around, finally figuring out where he recognized the unfamiliar faces in the congregation from. They were people who had attended that damn gallery, the fucking abomination that Stefano had put on. But they were gone, melting into the crowd as people filed out of the church, bowing to him. Nevin let out a snarl of frustration, and spun on his heel and began stalking back towards his store, his home. His love.

    The store was mostly quiet. Nevin didn’t see Eteri at first - where was she? The workshop - my workshop door was open? What? The alchemist looked inside quickly, to make sure she hadn’t gotten poisoned by something - but no, she wasn’t here. Where then, was she? Nevin strode into the bedroom and looked around - the bed was empty, the bathroom was too -

    Wait, why was there a smell of something burning?The alchemist turned without seeing the interior of the bathroom beyond the fact that his lovely blue-haired girlfriend wasn’t in it. Nevin frowned. He took a step in - and saw that the alcove in the back of the room, where Eteri had made her little nest before moving into sleeping next to him full time, was glowing. Nevin moved over quickly - and there she was, her hands clasped in front of her - and a vial of his blood was resting beneath the medallion that Eteri was always wearing.

    “Eteri, honey.” He spoke softly.
    - "We are born of the blood, made men by the blood, undone by the blood; Fear the old blood."

    Nevin: Formal, thoughtful, nurturing, bearer of tropey tentacles.

    "More threads! More! Threads for the Crimson Thread King!"
    A member of the NevCrew:
    Nevin: Thread count: please, don't try.
    Erik: Thread count: five or six. Maybe seven...
    Huntsman: seven. Maybe eight. Shhhhhhh.
    Telli' thread count: zero. I just can't get into writing the little hellion.
    Ronnel: Not even approved yet.

  2. #2
    Senior Member

    EXP: 15,383, Level: 5
    Level completed: 24%, EXP required for next Level: 4,617
    Level completed: 24%,
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    Eteri's Avatar


    Eteri Yoko
    Half Human Half Nekojin
    “Is it really so bad….” I asked, tilting my head to the side. I was silently mulling over his words as he had said them. I was trying to tell myself that killing, all that killing was wrong, but I’d be just lying to myself, and to Nevin. “Eteri thinking about it… and try to ah….”

    I paused, switching to Akashiman. <”I’m trying to rationalise it… telling myself that killing is wrong. It’s meant to be wrong. Right?”> I paused, not bothering to look back over at him. Tail flicking sporadically side to side. <”But… no matter how many times I go over it…”> I finally glanced over my shoulder at him, head tilted up to peer into those red, red eyes of his. <”I can’t find myself feeling any remorse, or guilt in the idea. You’re a god. Right? Sacrifices happen, Right?”>

    He took in deep breath, and let it out slowly. There was a strange look in his eyes, and I felt his fingers drum against me as he thought.

    <” said it was temporary… and having me live out my natural life - that is not an option for you is it?”> I felt him grip my shoulders, his hands slid over them and down to my stomach, he pulled me in close, under the steaming hot water.

    “That is not an option.” He hissed in my ear. I felt a shiver run down my spine at his tone, ahh… dammit - no. He was right. He didn’t want that. So it wasn’t an option. I furrowed my brow, I wasn’t sure how else…


    As much as I hated it… those people, that horrible experience. “Hey…” I started my voice low, unsure. His grip tightened, reassuring me. “Those strange things that Stefano used...they preserve bodies right? There-”

    “Eteri…” He growled. “They almost killed you. I - I almost lost you.” His tendrils began to wrap around me, I don’t think he even realised they had come out, the way they moved, it was almost instinctual. Thin, singular threads started to wrap themselves around me. I flinches as some pierced my skin. Thankfully, it didn’t seem that he noticed, truth be told, I didn’t exactly mind what they did. They were a part of him.

    “Please listen to Eteri…. Not use that but maybe...maybe similar might be the helping?”

    “That’s dark magic Eteri.”

    I frowned as I turned to face him fully I pushed his wet hair back out of his face, his skin was a bright pink from the heated water. “So is killing many. Want look at all options.” I pressed myself to him and wrapped my arms around his waist. I could feel him, pressing up against me hard. I ignored it.

    <”You will soon hold so much power… wield such a sway over people that whatever you will… whatever your desire, it will become a possibility. I truly believe that.”> And I did, because I would make it so. If he felt me...heard me pray to him...and that was just me - what would it be like if it were dozens? Hundreds?

    He frowned. Chewed his lip in thought, dark eyes narrow as he stared, unseeing at me. Then he took a deep breath, and let it out slowly. “You're right. I need to not dismiss things so easily. I am meant to be a God of acceptance and unity, and dark and light magic have no real face in that. I will not use that foul power that he used - but. I do know of some accursed things, preservatives. They're meant to be used in absolute case worst scenarios, because they trap a person as they are t that exact moment. And they - they stay trapped, until the curse is broken.” He took a deep breath, and let it out slowly.

    The heat was beginning to get a little much so I stepped out the shower and picked up the stained towel, would it really be so bad to be cursed if I were with him? “Nevin...Eteri know you heard, but what you feel when was praying?”

    He turned off the shower and stepped out behind me - and totally cheated, using his threads to swipe the water off of himself. Using them for tasks really was becoming instinctual for him. He rubbed his face and pushed damp strands of hair out of his eyes, then tilted his head at me.

    “It was like I was hearing for the first time. Your voice, clear and as loud as if you were standing next to me. Hope, desperation - loneliness?” His eyes widened as the last word left his lips, and he stared at me.

    “All that from...word huh?” I asked as I stepped away. That...was awkward- would he feel that much from everyone? Would that get overwhelming? I didn’t want him to think or dwell on my feelings. Sure… I was lonely, but that was my own fault really. I could go out and find Ven or Barchie and hang out with them for a few days but I just didn’t really feel like it.

    “Hope not that bad when lots of prays?” I asked as I finished drying off and threw the towel on the floor.

    “I have no idea, love. You're the first to pray to me. And I think it might have something to do with the fact that you actually had not only my blood, but a bit of my soul there as you prayed.”

    I offered him a small smile, “Only one finding way to know.” I said as I turned on that and left him in the bathroom to go dress myself in the discarded robe. I hope he’d catch on, and if not then he soon would. I had plans now and I wanted to enact on them as soon as possible. He needed people to pray to him and to believe in him and I would do everything…everything in my power to do so

    “Eter-honey I don't need prayers honey wait!” I couldn't tell if he was amused or distraught by this. Oh he figured my plan out. Too bad, he was going to get prayers. “I - oh Crimson.” Hmm? I stopped to turn around to look at him, tail flipping beneath the robe. “There's…. A - A church. I go there. They worship the Crimson. But they don't know about me. Think I'm just their messiah.”

    I grinned. “Then maybe they should know. Yes?” This was perfect. I could start there. “Can show me?” I held out my arms. “Am well dressed for the occasion yes?”

    He let out a helpless laugh and shook his head. “Love if we try going out with you in our lives like that, I don't think I'll be able to my hands off of you for very long. If… If you want to do this, go get back on that shrine Maiden attire at least.”

    I liked this. He was laughing and smiling…. When was the last time he had a good laugh like that? I picked up the bastardised version of the Akashiman garb from the floor and grumbled as I picked off bits of dust and lint. The wooden boards were pretty dusty… I guess neither of us were the type to pay attention to such a thing as cleaning. I shuffled into it as I dressed myself. “Better?” He nodded with an amused grin and pulled me into a light kiss, pressing his lips lightly against mine before he stepped back.

    “Arguably. At least now you can say you are dressed as a priestess - instead of my sex-crazed pet.” He grinned, teasing me. Then he took in a deep breath, and let it out, slowly shaking his head. “For someone meant to be becoming a God associated with acceptance, I keep finding places where I don't. Please love, keep reminding of things, like you have been.” With a soft smile, he slipped past me and began dressing himself.

    I watched him curiously. I didn’t entirely understand his words but it sounded like he was...coming to terms with something. That was good. “Ah...while you getting the dressed.. I go get some things…” I picked up my satchel and threw it over my shoulder before leaving the room..

    I knew exactly what I needed and I didn’t have much time to find it in that whiz-bang messy workshop of his. The workshop was, as expected… a mess. My bed of blankets and pillows lay in the corner on the side with all the bookshelves. On the other was his work station...bubbling brews, dusts, cut herbs and plants. Fire, burning bunsen burners...yep that was something I was going to stay way from. Then there was the cupboard...a glass cupboard filled to the brim with odds and ends. Scraps of paper shoved between bottles shoved between books shoved between dried animals sitting atop fossils. It was a cornucopia of goodies. One day I wanted to look through them all, but not today. I swung open the cupboard doors.

    I knew he had them somewhere around here….I wrinkled my nose. A part of me felt a little bit bad for doing this. For stealing from him. This was different to taking money from the store, this was….this was essentially his essence, his very life. Those tiny spheres were hardened pearls of his blood. He stressed the importance of it to me, of how special it was to him, and how much it meant to him. I know he kept a small chest of them somewhere in his workshop to use with his potions… I just had to find it before he got dressed. Then….I could set them and put them on necklaces and people could...people could use them to pray on too. Then he’d get stronger right? Then he’d start coming home earlier and we could spend more time together again.

    I found it. A small wooden box. It wasn’t even locked! Not that he needed to I guess, how many people would go looking for such a specific thing? Opening it up revealed there to be two dozen tiny little red pearls. Pearls of his hardened blood. I opened up my satchel and poured them into it. He could make more later…

    I wish I had time to attach them to necklaces but things were moving a little faster than expected. I quickly shoved the box back into the cupboard and left his workshop, making a bee-line for the kitchen and the icebox therin.

    Nevin came out of the bedroom, pulling on a crimson set of - drake scales? Why was he pulling on armor? Then he swung a muted red cloak on just as I was fishing around in the ice box. I lifted my head out.

    “Ah! Wanted food for have what wanted. Can get on way home?” I asked. This is something he’d easily believe. It wasn’t entirely a lie either. I was hungry and if I had it my way I’d have eaten a whole, raw fish on the way to his church.

    “You is very handsome.” I said as I shut the box and padded over to him, fixing up the knotted tie on his cloak. And he was. “Very much so…remind Eteri of dreams used to have....” The visage was familiar, a tall red man. A glimmering streak of gold and crimson against a black sky and muted grey sands. I tilted my head and was funny how things worked out sometimes. Maybe he had worn this before and I had not remembered. Maybe the man in my dreams wasn’t Nevin at all… it just reminded me of that dream. I shook the thought from my head, it didn’t seem important.
    I am cat gurl, gib me ur soul

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