[Mature Content Ahoy]

I must escape, Alina told herself, but instead she spread her legs further and arched her back, tempting the blonde seductress to touch her blazing skin. She could barely spare a thought for finding a way to unlock the chains... all she wanted was to feel Esmeralda's fine fingers caress her, everywhere...

The Bane chuckled. "Feeling the need to be touched, my dear? I call that particular infusion morning glory. Many of my older customers use it to improve their sex lives... in small quantities. But I've found a larger dosage has an admirable effect on the human body. Do you want me to touch you, darling?"

"Yes," Alina gasped, telling herself she should be straining against the chains. Instead she gripped the bedsheets in anticipation.

"If you'd like me to touch you," Esmeralda said, fanning the air above Alina's ass so it grazed her in a way that melted her mind. "You'll have to beg like a good girl."

"Oh please," Alina gasped, words flowing so fast she could not hope to catch them, "let me feel your hands on my skin. Let me feel you, oh please... I'll be a good girl."

She heard Esmeralda shift, and then the islander's palm stung her bare buttock. Alina grunted in alarm, pain, and pleasure. From the reddened site of the spank spread a feeling of pure merriment, a feeling that rooted itself deep in her loins and teased her already agitated skin to new heights. She put her face back down in the pillows and gasped for breath. Even if she hadn't been chained up, she didn't think she could have moved. She was paralyzed by the desire to feel Esmeralda's palm strike again.

"Did you like that?" The seductress asked, dragging her fingertips down the Fallieni woman's back.

"Y-y-yesss!" Alina cooed, lifting her tailbone to extend the moment of contact, like a cat begging for more pets.

"Do you want more?" The blonde demanded. "Tell me like a good girl."

"Y-yes pleassse." Alina was a ball of hot, messy sensations. She didn't know what would happen to her in five minutes, in five hours, in five days, or five weeks. But she did know that if someone didn't touch her in the next five seconds, she would go completely mad. "Please touch me! I want it, I need it, I need it sooo badly..."