Quote Originally Posted by Shinsou Vaan Osiris View Post
I agree with this a million, zillion percent. You, right there, listed the ingredients for everything right with Althanas. But do you know where it has lost its way?

When members can come on and make 8/10 threads submitted just smut threads, with little to no intention of achieving anything your post nails (there is one in particular I can actually back this statistic up with).

When the Althies are nominated and only 3/10 people can name a thread for best quest or best battle in a year that had three very solid JC's, the cream of this website. As a member of staff who pours hours into reading people's work, and trying to give them comprehensive, meaningful advice, do you know how much that pisses me off? I can spend up to five hours at a time reading, appraising and helping for it to lead to this: a situation where people would just rather submit a sexually orientated thread to a workshop than write something worthwhile with character development.

I have become seriously disillusioned with the direction this place is headed. I know I am not alone. If that lands me in hot water, so be it. I miss the days where writers would come here and weave great stories, even if the quality wasn't amazing.
Nothing quite wrong with smut. Granted, it does seem to take up a large quantity of currently active threads. In the golden days, we had enough members that the smut remained in the underground of the site. People who knew it was there, knew there was quite a bit of it. Those that wanted more of the sword and shield adventure, didn't pay it any mind. Those were days where you'd wake up to 80+ new posts a day. Where you simply could not read nor follow everyone posting. Those were days where I had 10+ IM windows open talking stories or ideas.

As times have changed, our niche has grown smaller. The role play writing is outdated compared to video games, social media, and the thousands of TV channels versus what... 60? 70? back then on cable? Our entertainment options have broadened. The players and members looking for some high fantasy adventure can get it with Skyrim, Final Fantasy, and an infinite amount of mobile games or JRPGS. Even watching people play these games on twitch can fill that escapism itch where we want to slay a dragon or wipe out a bandit camp responsible for raiding a local village.

I can understand the frustration of seeing the place you had many memories change. But the way it also reads is you're upset that the vast majority of content just isn't content you prefer. Much like the arguments back in the day when furry/anthro characters were running rampant. Also, our member base has grown a bit older. Our average age group is no longer 13-18. We're dealing with young adults here 20+. Sex and darker themes are more prevalent. The wonder of adventure is dull, overwritten. How many times can one adventurer find treasure, save an innocent, or triumph over evil?

Much like those times, the theme of smut will also wane. Though maybe it'll transition to straight macabre, horror, or slash material? Maybe back to good ol stick and board adventure!

Who knows? I'm just enjoying the ride, even if it's not my cup of tea.