Quote Originally Posted by Flamebird View Post
I sucked at writing when I first came here. Still trying to improve today, but at a much slower pace. There are those threads where I'm determined to go for the gold, then other threads where I just want to unwind or don't even try. Sometimes the start of a thread I was trying to write well looks so bad to me, I give up, get lazy, and just submit it for EXP instead. I don't feel as pressured now as I felt several years back, but maybe it's that pressure that pushed me as far as I've gotten? I don't know... Once again, it feels more relaxed here nowadays, but that could be both a bad and a good thing. Althanas was always a place to improve your writing in my eyes. These days I feel like the writing improvement aspect has taken a back seat. I like that power leveling and goof off threads are a little bit more common now, but the AP system makes it hard to submit a full rubric, which made it feel "official" to me. Then there's the badges and stuff too. Yeah, they were fun at first, but that was around the time the AP system and the perspective shift happened. Some good came out of the recent changes, and some bad too. So... dunno...
What would you like to see change if anything, Ashla?