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  1. #1
    Senior Member

    EXP: 7,350, Level: 3
    Level completed: 59%, EXP required for next Level: 1,650
    Level completed: 59%,
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    The Huntsman's Avatar


    Fil'ayn Kiljarden
    I stared into those milky white eyes, knowing they couldn't see my silver gaze. This was - this was agonizing. I slowly took in a deep breath, then reached up and gripped her hand. I ignored the pain in my arm as my muscles shifted as I took her hand in mine. I didn't detest her - and I certainly was not her master. But how could I speak? How could I, when knowing me had brought this on her? Fuck. I sighed, shaking my head as I tried to think of what to do here.

    She froze when my hand landed in hers and I squeezed it tightly. Ah.

    “Who….” Her hand tightened its grip and an angry red light burst forth from it. Fuck..fuck she was trying to burn my hand off. Her lips twisted into a snarl and even though she couldn’t see her milky eyes were filled with hate, the type of hate a cornered animal had.

    Ethereal snakes erupted from her back and began to dart around, trying to find their target. I shifted, letting one sail past my head - I had not yet experienced the snakes striking me, and I didn't intend to let it happen here.

    “You called me, and I came.” My voice was steady. Hard. She didn't need a reminder of the affection right now. I reached over and picked up the black gemstone that had brought me here, enduring the pain in my hand as her fingers trapped mine, burning through the glove and into my flesh.

    Her grip loosened and the snakes faded. Her face fell from a hate-filled snarl to confusion. She let go of my hand and reached for her chest. She felt around for a stone that was no longer there. “How?” I took her hand in mine, and pressed the stone into her searching, fumbling fingers. Moving my burnt hand hurt - my healing hadn't kicked in yet, so moving the flesh stung like hell.

    “I stopped waiting.” If I had hesitated even a moment longer, would I have had time to get her to summon me? I doubt it, I truly doubted it.

    “I…” She furrowed her eyes as she lifted them to - well.. To my left. Would she stay blind? Her entire nude form shivered. “I need to be stronger.” Her words were a whisper.

    “So get stronger. Get strong enough that it doesn't matter, that you can do whatever you want. But for now, stay here. I'll get you food - and here, Dawn girl.” I stood up and opened the bag that held the coat I had made for her. I draped it onto her shoulders, and she clung onto it almost desperately. I turned away and moved to start butchering the wolf carcasses.

    “I was warned against you.” She said. “That any further interaction with you would result in further punishment till I understand.” She spat. “Like they know. I am supposed to be their leader. I will do what I feel is right. That includes you.” I paused, a chunk of meat in my hand, and looked over my shoulder at her. I took a deep breath, then let it out slowly.

    “And I will stand by you. My blade is yours, Scarlet. The only, the single only person who can make me leave, is you.” I stood up and brought the meat over to where she sat, holding onto the new coat on her shoulders. I sat it down on her legs, the blood trailing down her skin. “Hold onto that for a moment. I'm going to get some wood to cook it.” And I had a perfect fucking target. I drew out my blade, clicking it open. My arm tensed - and I swung, burying it halfway into the tree that she had been hanging from. I glared, ripped the Saw-Spear free - then hacked in again, and again. There was a cracking sound - and the tree fell, the wooden sign knocked loose. I stepped onto it, shattering it beneath my boot.

    I turned to see her already eating, blood dripped down her hands and arms and smeared over her mouth. I blinked, and tilted my head to the side. “Do you need more?” She looked - good, better than she had when I had arrived. Still unseeing, but even the raw meat seemed to be helping.

    “If torturing me won’t work. They may hunt you down.”

    I growled in response to her words.

    “Let them come then. I'm growing. I will not be scared away. If a day comes when I do not answer you - you will know it is because I am dead. And you will know that - they are scared of you.” I folded my arms across my chest.

    “I’d rather you not die.” Her words were spoken with that articulate punch that she had when she had a goal in mind. That strength. Even being abandoned in a forest for days without food, water, or shelter, even after having her eyes ripped out and torn by the wolves. She had such resolve. It suited her well. I snorted.

    “I would rather that not be the case either. I have a very long life ahead of me, and I need to prove those fuckers who ripped my life from me that they did not succeed.” I wondered - did she feel the same? A drive to prove them wrong?

    “A long life… “ She mused. “I won’t age. I won’t die. I’m immortal. Whomever I meet, its only a temporary thing. Maybe that’s why they insist I stay alone. Less heartache.” I blinked, studying her. She was thoughtful. I knelt by her, and gently took her empty hand in mine, and pressed her palm to. My chest.

    “I am eighty seven, nearing eighty eight. In human terms, I stopped aging in my twenties. I am an Elf, one who has been genetically experimented upon. The others I know of - in the memories I have - are centuries old, and still going strong. And I am moon-touched, which twists things even further, as I have inherent magic. I have no idea how long I will live. But it will be on your side, as your ally or whatever comes.” I let her go, watching her face as I sat back.

    She smiled. That - I had not expected that. My eyebrows rose, though she couldn't see it.

    “For someone so against being emotional and so adamant that you would be naught but my Hunter….” She licked her fingers, tongue lapping up the blood that dripped on them - I fought down a groan. “You’re doing quite the opposite.” She sighed and closed her eyes. “Course, I would be a hypocrite to say otherwise.”

    “I.. Realized something.” I sat forward, my eyes trained on those blood-stained lips. Then I shook my head and concentrated. “The stigma, the hate, against me was much deeper rooted in my land than I realized. My memories, the ones you showed me were false? They were constructed to build in me a belief that I should never form a true connection with someone, until I stopped being a Huntsman.” I let out a bitter snort.

    “You never stop being a Huntsman, until you are dead. Twenty years of training pounded that into my head. See the problem?” The people who had trained me - hated what I was so much that they sought to make sure I died alone. If I had remained in Alerar? That surely would have happened.

    “You won’t stop being a Hunter. You enjoy it too much.” I hummed in agreement at her slow, considering words. I waited for her to go on, to finish the thought. “That doesn’t stop you doing whatever and whoever you want.” She rubbed her temple, smearing more blood over her face. “I’m repeating myself. Obviously you’re a threat. My Master doesn’t like what I’ve become. I’m a danger to him. I’m a threat. People try to snuff out and control threats.”

    “Precisely. They sought to control me. To restrict me. To prevent me from having a life. Not because I was a threat though - because I had magic.” I snorted in disgust. “They wanted me alone, ostracized, just an emotionless tool. Right until I died. Then they'd likely have thrown me out with the trash. All because of their hate and fear.”
    Cruel and brutal are the blades for the Beast
    It's time to Carve and Clatter and Cleave.

    A member of the NevCrew:
    Nevin: Thread count: please, don't try.
    Erik: Thread count: five or six. Maybe seven...
    Huntsman: seven. Maybe eight. Shhhhhhh.
    Telli' thread count: zero. I just can't get into writing the little hellion.

  2. #2
    Shattered heart and Soul

    EXP: 76,735, Level: 11
    Level completed: 98%, EXP required for next Level: 265
    Level completed: 98%,
    EXP required for next Level: 265

    Amari's Avatar


    Amari L'Olfsden

    View Profile
    A few hours had passed before Scarlet finally awoke. Groggy. She opened her eyes, they stung..but she could see. She could see the snow packed tightly around the two, she could see the dirt and blood that had splattered the snow. She could feel Hunter underneath her, he had insisted she stay there and after days of torment and pain she had relented and allowed herself the sleep she so desperately needed. “I’m awake..” Scarlet said as she lifted her head up.


    He shifted, and blinked. Silver eyes glinted softly as he blinked again and looked around, and she could see him mentally processing the situation.

    Scarlet shifted and pulled herself up and out of his lap. “It’s dangerous here.” She had slept through most the day and night was coming up along the horizon. “We will die if we stay here, and there will be no healing, no revival, no nothing from either of us if those soul sucking beasts get to us.”

    She turned her gaze to Hunter who was rubbing his eyes. Was he tired too? Not surprising. “We’ll get sleep when we get to a town. I’m still...groggy myself but we need to move now.”

    “Right.” He shoved himself to his feet. “Right. OK. Have you recovered enough to move on your own - or do you still have trouble seeing?” There was no judgment or recrimination in his words, just curiosity.

    “I can see.” Scarlet said as she stared at him. “I can see your silver eyes, I can see how disheveled your hair is. I can see-” She paused as she pointed to the stone creeping up under his sleeve. “I can see that - that we will talk about later, and I can see our time is short.”

    His head tilted and he picked up his hat and froze when she pointed at his arm. Then he rolled his sleeve down hurriedly, grimacing, and set his hat on his head, covering up the mess of hair. “Right. Right. Lead the way dawn girl. You know Salvar far better than I.”

    Scarlet turned and winced as she trudged, barefoot in the ankle deep snow. It appeared that he resilience to the cold was beginning to fade. Not surprising. She was weak. They quickly made their way to a main path through the forest. “I slept surprisingly well, considering the snow and ice.” Scarlet mused.

    “You - were rather comfortable, I hope.” His voice was soft.

    “Ah.” Scarlet stopped him as she pointed to a horse and carriage travelling toward them. Ignoring the question.jn “Do me a favour and hail them down. I’m not exactly a looker right now.” Hunter nodded and waved down the cart.

    A brown horse slowed to a stop as the man atop the cart peered suspiciously at the two. A drow and a half naked girl. “Can I help you?” The man asked. He was well into his forties and wore a thick rimmed pair of glasses. He was not a fighter and looked to be some sort of shop keeper.

    Scarlet stepped in front of Hunter. “P-please sir…” Her voice fell into a timid tone as she feigned fear. “A-a group of bandits they...they…” she hiccuped as she covered her face. “They stole my husband and I’s carriage they..they tried to….” She hiccuped again.

    “I stopped them from - that. But they - made off with the rest of our belongings.” Hunter’s voice was tense. Frustrated.

    The man relaxed his tense body seeing the crying and unarmed girl. “Get in the back. If you try anything I’ll hand you over to the authorities.” Scarlet nodded and bowed her head, “T-t-thank you..thank you so much…” She turned and climbed onto the back of the cart with Hunter. Breathing a sigh of relief. She didn’t think they would have made it out of the forest. The beasts generally left her well enough alone, her soul was a deterrent for them, but her bleeding and with Hunter in tow? They’d make quick work of the both of them.

    Sitting in the back, the Huntsman curled his arm around her shoulders and pulled her against his side - the picture of a husband comforting his wife. Scarlet played into it, sobbing lightly into the crook of his neck. No tears came, just stiffled noises.

    The shopkeeper turned to glance over his shoulder at the two. “Name’s Ainsley, I see you’re from Alerar but the girls got a Slavic accent. How did you two meet?”

    “I left Alerar for work, got hired on by a shipping company. Worked with them a few years before they got bought out by a racist bastard, who gave me the boot. Dawn here took pity on me and helped me get back on my feet, and I haven't wanted to leave since.” Hunter’s voice was smooth and calm, tinged with sorrow that became confidence as he spoke of her.

    Scarlet shot him a look. It wasn’t a story she would have gone with, but it suited well. She kept mostly quiet as the Ainsley continued to ask them questions about their supposed lie together. Apparently they had been married for two years, coming up to their second anniversary. They had a kid on the way, and wanted to take one last journey before settling down. Scarlet was a seamstress, which she found amusing - Hunter did not know that she was indeed quite the seamstress. And used to make dresses for nobles, another funny thing - he wasn’t aware she was a noble.

    As they neared the town and were about to part ways Aislyn gave the two a nod. “Was worried at first. Was going to take the both of you to the authorities, but aye. It’s clear you both have good hearts and care about each other. Miss, if you ever need work and choose to settle down here - my shop is over there.” He pointed to a dark general store. “It’d be nice to sell some dresses, get more of the ladies in.”

    Scarlet nodded and pulled on Hunter. They gave the man a final wave before he left and the two were headed toward the nearest inn. “Some story you have going on there.” Scarlet mused. “Did you know I actually can sew?”

    He blinked, silver eyes flickering to her. He seemed - thoughtful. “No - but I can see that. It would suit you.” There was an odd note to his voice - not quite contentment, but close.

    “Suit me?” Scarlet scoffed, “Sweetheart...the only thing that suits me is blood and death.” She added in a mildly mock tone. “Now, let’s get something to eat. Raw meat isn’t exactly….my preference.”

    He laughed, a dark, rolling sound, and shook his head. “I wouldn't say the only things, but yes, those do suit you quite well.

    The place was had been the same town they had gone to before. The place where Hunter had accepted the bounty on the direwolves and the place where the two had first met and shared a drink. So the inn they entered was a familiar scene. Few people dotted around the place and a familiar youth staring them, especially scarlet down as they entered. The usual booth at the back was full so both Hunter and Scarlet had to find a table that was more central and exposed. Scarlet didn’t like this.

    Hunter turned his head, and gave the boy a hard, silver glare. Warning him. Then he turned his gaze to Scarlet as she spoke.

    “I feel exposed here, could get attacked from any side.”

    “Right. I'm not keen on this either. Let's get a room.” He curled his arm around her, protectively. It seemed he wasn't about to let her stay too far from his side, even if he knew she could fight well herself.

    Scarlet nodded. It was a good idea. They’d take their food to the room and eat. She headed to the counter and ordered two plates of venison and a room. When the man expected her to pay she turned to Hunter. “Honey… the bandits took everything I had - do you have anything?”

    White eyebrows rose for a moment - as if realizing that. Then he nodded, and stepped forward, reaching into his own coat and pulling a small back of coins out from an inner pocket. He counted out what the innkeeper had asked for as he shook his head. “You'll want to warn people against traveling the main road here - they made off with most of our belongings. Hopefully they take off after one attack, or the night dwellers get them - but better safe than sorry.” He said as he handed the money over. The man shrugged.

    “Further North is Crimson Hand territory. You’re either tourists or stupid to not know that. Your meals will be delivered shortly.” He handed Hunter the key and the two headed up to the room.

    Finally in the room; which was subpar at best. It had a single bed with a single scratchy blanket which would have barely protected against the could. A window with no curtains rattled from the harsh weather outside. A single oil lamp dimly lit the room from the bedside table. Scarlet didn’t want to venture to the adjacent bathroom. Not wanting to know what unkempt condition that was in. “Well. some honeymoon this is.” she muttered bitterly. Despite her harsh words, it was meant to be a joke.

    “Next year I'll take you somewhere nicer. Maybe Tular. I hear the demons are fun to kill.” He drawled back as he locked the door firmly behind him, and thumped the chair against it. It was only when it was secure that he finally relaxed, his shoulders losing a bit of tension.

    “Fuck me…” Scarlet muttered as she turned back to the bed and pulled the blanket off to wrap her feet in then sat herself on the bed. “At this rate I feel I should just wander around fuckin completely naked.”

    “And I feel like I should just always keep a change or two of clothes with me for you.” He leaned against the wall, silver eyes focused on her.

    She snorted and crossed her legs. “Your eyes say otherwise Hunter.” He blinked.

    “Well. I suppose we can chalk that up to possessiveness.” He shrugged. “Or, I'm trying to keep you healthy.”

    “Oddly sweet of you.” Scarlet mused as she rubbed her feet together to generate warmth. “I suppose that’s what a fisherman husband is supposed to do, no?”

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