Twelve hours later.

My immortality is dependent on time. Anything of a direct stab through the heart of less will result in me coming back roughly twelve to fifteen hours. The more minor killing wounds - such as strangulation that really leaves little to be physically needing healed - will allow me to return in the lesser. Anything above a stab to the heart will take longer, from decapitation at nineteen hours and full body disembowelment and separation of the arms, legs and extremities at twenty four. I can regrow limbs in death, dispel all poisons from it, and and heal every malady or illness. The trick is useful and unlimited in its uses.

I gasped loudly and my eyes snapped open. It took me a moment to remember what I had been doing before the silent dream of sleep, but the memory of the fire, wolf meat and the Hunter came back to me within a few seconds. My eyes pierced the slanted fabric roof of a tent and and I figured that I was lying down, tucked in with some blankets. A shiver ran down my spine. I paused, before it came to my understanding that I was in a tent and also that I was missing all my pain.

All of it - the leg, my neck and even a tiny scratch that had been begging on my right little finger for days - all of that pain was gone. It had vanished away. I breathed in as I tried to ease a hand out of the confines of these blankets and I touched the neck, where the bandage still was. After a very brief hesitation I lifted up the side and felt the wounds where I remembered them to be.

They were … gone.

Good, thought I, my pain at least was gone. That made things a lot easier and better. No more pain meant no major distraction. I shook a little before trying to sit up right. Blood sugar what would help to gain to that, and it was running healthier now.

I managed to sit up, and I realised I was naked, but quite honestly I did not care. I eased myself as best as I could onto my knees, escaping from the blanket before swinging my eyes around the interior of the tent.

It was small, and filled with just simple travelling things - a common pot, tankards and the like. Breathing in deep I nodded before I registered completely that there was no-one there before I raised my voice.


There was a surprised grunt from outside - and then the sound of motion. The Hunter came in a moment later, looking rather disheveled. His hat and mask were not in evidence and he still hadn't seemed to find a short. Now, looking at his chest and with a mind that was thinking properly, I could see thick scars running from his shoulder to his waist. His silver eyes were wide as he came in, staring at me.

“You're alive.” Relief rolled across his shoulders, and his body posture relaxed. “Are you feeling better?”

I blinked a couple of times before angling my eyes away from the scars and immediately got caught in his glorious silver gaze. My lips formed a little circle and I was thrown off momentarily.

I had asked him to kill me and he had done it.

That was nice of him.

“How long has it been?” I asked, pulling the blanket underneath me to cover my exposed breasts. “And I am feeling better, yes, in a good comparison.” I sat there and smiled at him, liking the shade of skin under his eyes, the curve of his lips and the wildness of his hair. Vague memories of what I had considered possible with him came to me, and I hoped I hadn't said anything to him that I might regret.

“How are you?”