I slowly, casually began stroking myself. I hadn't finished yet - but she was looking rather worn at this point. I doubted her pussy could handle another go. And I was also turning over what she had said in my mind, and I frowned. That was - off. Not quite right. I stared down intently at her. She had been ‘trained’ to enjoy it, no doubt. Been forced to. But that didn't mean she actually craved it, desired it. There were times when I yearned for a lover to cut me, to draw my blood and hurt me. Just as there were times when I craved drawing blood, to cause my partner pain. What she was describing was - not that.

“You have had time. But that does not mean you truly desire it, but that you see that I do so you seek to please me.” I hummed in thought. So. She was submissive, but not necessarily truly masochistic. Despite what people often thought, the two did not have to coincide. “Come here, fair one, when you can move. You should finish what you started.” As I said that I pulled my hand away from my shaft, and let it rest on her back, gently massaging her upper shoulders and neck. This also gave me a chance to recover, to back down from the edge of orgasm that she had driven me to. Good.

She lay there for a while, her shaking body taking its time to gain back its energy. She gulped in breaths, relaxing under my hands. A soft whimper came from her at one point, but it was only brief, and then she finally ceased in her shivering. Her eyes blinked, and she gave one, final sigh.

“Are you done then, fair one?” I was not going to force her to satisfy me if I had truly exhausted her.

She turned her head to look at me. Her pink eyes gazed for a moment into mine. “I thought I was the one in charge this time?” she said quietly. I felt my pulse quicken at that. I guess she was not done yet. I gave a slow, steady nod.

“Yes. If you - until you tire of this, I am yours tonight.” My voice, my words, were soft. But I couldn't keep the anticipation out of my voice. Or the trembles from my legs.

She looked at me for a while, her eyes steady, and she seemed all ready to begin again ... before she slumped. “I cannot,” she said, with a term of resignation. “I am exhausted. If you want more you will have to wait your own turn.”

I let out a soft chuckle. “Don't feel bad. I am - as you have no doubt guessed at this point - enhanced physically. I thoroughly enjoyed this though.” It had been very, very good. And if she had been able to ride it out a little longer, I probably would have cum hard inside of her. But I couldn't blame her - two back to back orgasms before she actually even slid onto me had probably had her extremely sensitive before we had even begun the final act.

I reached out and stroked her hair away from her face and laughed softly. “Rest, and recover. When you're ready we can either continue, or - I did promise to show you how to drain animals of blood.”

“Sorry,” she whispered, “I would have once championed you but … maybe one day. My powers are slowly returning.”

I tilted my head to one side. Championed me? It must be a term that meant something different for her - to me, that meant that she was offering to fight my battles, and I did not need that. I chuckled, confused.

“I - I offer more sex or training, and you offer to fight my battles? Dear Vixen, I think something has been lost in translation.” I laughed and moved, scooping her up and carrying her over to the bed roll. I laid her down in it, then laid beside her, curling one of my arms under her head to serve as a pillow.

“Championed,” she murmured. “Sorry. It's a Hernsford term. To champion is to best someone. To outdo them. To be a champion over them. It's used as a term for sex, slavery, many things.” She closed her eyes. “Tomorrow I … yes if you could teach me. I want to return back to the place I was taken originally. It … should not be that far a gallop from here. Maybe three hours or so. My … weapons. Unless I … start my whole life again. Maybe I do that now.” There was a pause.

“I will not go,” she seemed to decide, and she relaxed into my arm. “I will start again with nothing.” I chuckled and shook my head.
“Not, perhaps, with nothing. I have a bit of time to spare - and I already promised to teach you how to drain animals. I do believe we can work a bit more training in, if you desire it, fair one.” Look at me, ladies. I'm actively offering my help to someone. I blinked in shock at that thought. Everyone I had formed any kind of a connection with, since Philomel kidnapped me, was a woman. And with this, three of the four had engaged in some level of sexual activity with me - though I was still fairly certain the faun would kill me rather than try to sleep with me again. Ah well, I'd leave her to her business relationship with Shinsou. The man knew what he was doing with the titfaun, and I did not, clearly.

“So, how about it?” I turned my silver eyes to meet her pink ones. I would concern myself with what I had clearly been wrong about later - I apparently craved sex more than I realized, but hey. Maybe that had been because of the block on my memories. Hmm. Maybe - after helping Vixen, I would… Need to return back to Alerar. I paused, breath catching in my throat when I realized I didn't think of my homeland as my home, anymore. When had that happened?

She slowly opened her eyes and turned around to look at me. Gently, she blinked, her chest rising and falling before her lips parted.

“That would … be very helpful, Fil’ayn,” she murmured. “Thank you. I only ask,” she paused and smiled at me, and though she was clearly still tired with a crease on her brow, there was still life yet. Still energy enough for her to make a mischievous grin.
“I only ask that you give me a taste of you. On one condition,” I raised one white eyebrow as I looked at her. She bit her lip briefly.

“That you surprise me with it.”

Hmm. So she wanted to go again - but didn't want to know it was coming? I thought for a moment - then a smirk twisted one corner of my mouth. I already knew exactly how I would do it. I just needed to figure out the fine details - which I could do while training her. “I think, fair one, that that is something I can accomplish. Are there -any- restrictions you wish to warn me of before? Any taboos that you will not break, perhaps? Anything that would be too painful for you to experience?” Very well. If she wanted me to take control - I would do this properly. Find her limits before we began.

“I'd only ask that it happen elsewhere. Here … we have done here. Anything else … I leave in your capable hands.” I let out a laugh at her words. Well. I could do elsewhere. I needed to find an appropriate place though - I wasn't one for fucking in a field if I knew it was coming.

“Alright. Deal, my fair one. Somewhere else, and as a surprise. Now - you should get some rest.” I would - endure my desire. I did it often enough anyway. This was just a bit more - tense than usual. Nothing utterly unbearable but - well. I wasn't going to push her, and that was that.

Blinking, she happily nodded, then moved back around. She pulled her legs up to her chest and closed her eyes again. She said nothing else, and soon the only thing that could be heard was the steady beat of her heart. I curled around her, coiling my long frame around hers, and pulled the blankets up over us.