She snorted. “Honestly, you’re far worse off than I am. I heal. Quickly. If you hadn’t come charging in, I would have taken care of the manticore from a distance. Ah… but I had to be the good guy and let you have your fight didn’t I?” Scarlet shook her head. He should be sorry, he charged in, he put himself in danger. She had everything under control but he let his … his… what was it, his feeligns get in the way? Was that it?

“So there is no good room here, at all?” Scarlet asked. She had to focus on the task at hand, getting him to a bed, and then distancing herself from him whilst the illroot was still thick in the air. She wasn’t about to let him get the jump on her. Damn shit, almost s potent as truth serum if used right.

“Has to be. Just didn't see it. And - no, I'm sorry you have to keep touching me. I know you don't like it.” His voice was thin and thready, and she saw blood still oozing down his arm.

“If I didn’t like it, I wouldn’t. Really, you should know me to be callous enough to leave you there. What gave you that idea?”

A soft, bitter laugh. “Because most of the time I don't feel I deserve to be close to you, let alone touch you.” They were at the stairs, and he started to drag himself upwards, stabbing the blade in and pulling his form up.

“Now what the fuck is that supposed to mean?” Scarlet asked herself as she followed him up the stairs. The two finally made their way up, and they made a hard left. Hunter dismissing the right having come down from there.

They were in luck. It was the only room in the whole house that was clean, and done up as the door swung open to the master bedroom Scarlet let Hunter slide to the floor. She dusted off her hands. Her lower back still ached and no doubt still had shards of glass protruding from it.

“This… is surprisingly nice.”

And it was. The room had a queensize bed adorned in fluffy quilts and animal skins, Scarlet aprpoched it and pressed down on the creme linen. “Goose down.” She mused. The window had been boarded up, but there were several oil lamps dotted around the room giving the two plenty o light. There was a porcelain bath in the far corner, with pipes connecting from that to the hearth and a fire was lit, already roaring. They had hot water.

“Looks like our host wasn’t expecting any company tonight.” Scarlet mused as she turned back to hunter.

“Too bad that he got some then, and had to give up the best room in the house.”

“Shall I run a bath for you?”

Hunter paused and looked down at his body. He was looking a little steadier, but he still needed the blade to stay upright. He shrugged. “Only if you want to join me.” He

“D-do I look like a fucking courtesan to you?” Scarlet snapped. The bath was big enough for the two sure….but to say such a thing? Why on earth would he want that? Scarlet was trying to be civil. She lifted her hand to her head, she could feel the haze of the illroot ebbing at her consciousness. She had to keep tabs on it or she’d start saying shit without thinking..

He paused, staring at her. Then softly he shook his head. “No, you don't.” Even softer, barely audible. “You look like my wife.” Then he started towards the bath, an awkward, shuffling pace as he tried not to damage the floor with the blade.

“I look like her, but I’m not her.” Scarlet said as she followed then passed him. She turned the taps and water rushed out. The assassin leaned against the rim of the tub. “Are you well enough to pull out any remaining glass from my lower back? I can’t see there.”

Pain. That’d distract her from his silent thoughts. Fuck why won’t he shut up. Why did he keep referencing her as his wife? Sure she may have been, but that was in the past. That was a dead life. A meaningless dead and useless life.

“Yes. Bend over.” There had been a pause for a moment there. She could still see blood falling, but slower now. She found herself bending over far too easily for him. She hoped he hadn’t noticed the complacency. Scarlet was aware of it, she was aware why. She just - she needed fresh air. She needed to clean herself up and let him heal here on his own.


She’d try to do that.

“Fuck. You look good.” His breath was a whisper. Then she felt his fingers glide across her skin, warming her with his touch, and occasionally plucking small shards of glass that she hadn't even felt enter her. His hands dipped lower, splaying across the round of her ass. She felt shards dig in - then his hands twisted them out.

“Just do your job. I don’t need the commen-Fcuk…” Her knees buckled as she felt him push glass back into her skin. “I said pull them OUT!” Scarlet hissed as she straightened her back and turned to face him. Steam began to fill the room as the bath continued to run.

“Can’t you folllow a simple fuckn’ order?”

He held up his hands, showing that they were filled with glass. “I was.” He stepped over and dumped the glass into the sink, then stood tj right for a long moment, silent.

Scarlet glared at him before sighing and turning back around. Perhaps she was wrong. “Is it all gone now?”

“Most of it. There's a few shards closer to the middle.” There was strain to his voice as he spoke. Like he was gritting his teeth. She briefly wondered why, but she couldn’t let that curiosity get the better of her now. Not when she was in such a state.

“Remove it.” She said. “Make it quick so we can get you into the bath.”

“one… Moment.” There was a painful grating sound, and she heard a pained exhalation. “Fuck. OK. Fuck. I can… Help you now.” She heard a loud clatter, and then his footsteps approached her.

“Bend over and brace yourself. And don't move too much, I'm going to be kneeling behind you to make sure I got it all.”

That ….sounded dangerous. Scarlet ndded her acknowledgement. The less she spoke the better. She shouldn’t dare speak about what sort of connotations that his words had. This was meant to be a track and kill. Not another awkard night spent together.

“Make sure to tell me if you feel anything.” She heard him shift, his clothes rustling as he knelt down.


Shit. Why did I just say that so simply? Fucking traitor and his fucking drugging her. Scarlet was pissed. She thought she had a better handle on illroot than this.

“Good. Alright. Bend, please.” She bent over, her bloodied breasts and tendrils of long crimson hair dipped into the rising water. Being careful not to move too much Scarlet reached up and turned the taps off. The water was hot. “Ugh...the water is probably too hot for you right now.” she muttered.

She felt his fingers gently caressing her ass, soft, feather light touches that barely skimmed her skin. They paused once or twice, and she felt him slide glass out of her. Then his hands began working inwards, pressing softly in spots.

“When we’re done, you should get in too. As much as I love to see you covered in blood, I want you to wash off so we can make sure I didn't miss any.” His voice was gentle, tender. She felt his fingers glance over her ass hole, an accidental touch. Then from very close to that, she felt glass be removed.

“Yeh….ok. I - ah..w-what are you-” She clamped her mouth down. No. don’t say anything. Scarlet would have to keep quiet. “This is because I braced your fall.” Yes. Yes that was better, that was truth. That was truth and it wasn’t anything that was anything to do with...this current situation,

“Dawn, talk to me. Was something wrong there? And - yes. I'm sorry.”

“ feels nice.” Scarlet said. She inwardly swore at the words that left her mouth. He was an astute man. But she hoped he wasn’t that clued in and that his pain and blood loss made him miss these faux paux.