Calloused hands grazed back gently over the length of her thigh, coaxing it up to wrap around his waist. Scarlet followed suit and didn’t mind as his hand curled around her backside. His fingers finding the dimples in her flesh and pressing them gently into each one. “Perfect fit.” He murmured into the crook of her neck as he gently began to massage her. She was up against his chest. Breasts pressing against his torso, one leg around his waist. One of her arms under his head as he used it as a pillow, the other was resting on his shoulder. Fil’ayn was right. It felt… warm. It felt right. Scarlet closed her eyes and let him work her skin with gentle touches. Every so often she’d feel the tickle of his hair as he shifted his face to kiss her neck, then the underside of her jaw, then her cheek.

“Fil’ayn …” Scarlet murmured as her eyes fluttered open for a brief moment. She could see the contrast of their skin. His with ridges of scarring, which she gently began to trace with a finger. The blackest of black, the colour of a moonless sky and hers -a broken and shattered porcelain doll. It was like the sky was trying to engulf a withered and dying moon. “My touch burns you.” She could feel the tingling heat of his skin underneath the pads of her fingers. “Shouldn’t I move?”

“Amari, the only place I want you to move is on top of me, love.” His voice was soft, absent-minded as he murmured into her hair.

“But I’d prefer you above me - I do love watching your hips move.” She mumbled as she traced the outline of his jaw. His eyes blinked and stared at her in mild bewilderment. Scarlet didn’t understand why. Then he smiled and slowly rolled her onto her back and moved so he was above her, and reached down to caress her face with the tips of the fingers of one hand.

“I think I'd better give you what you ask for then, don't you?” He smiled gently and shook his head, before leaning down to press his lips against hers for a moment.

Scarlet tilted her head up toward the kiss, it wasn’t like others they had shared. It was sweet, tender - and his lips were soft. He lifted to draw away and Scarlet stopped him, wrapping two arms around his shoulders, one hand tangling into his short white locks. He breathed in deep and stilled. The red headed assassin parted her lips slightly and he breathed out into her as he returned the gesture. Slow, tentative and comforting. It was odd to describe a kiss in such a way. But that was what it was.

She felt his other hand slide along her inner thigh and his fingers brushed against her folds softly. They hesitated, and she heard, felt, him make a soft, curious sound in the back of his throat - asking permission.In response she parted her legs wider and began to slide her hand up and down his back. She felt two fingers gently push into her - none of the ferocious force that had been used before, this was a soft, loving touch that had him exploring her slowly.

She broke the kiss and murmured contentedly , pressing her head to his neck. She enjoyed this. Pain excited her, it got her off quickly and it was convenient. This was new. Literally, she had never felt such soft or tender touches before.

And it didn't seem like he was going to stop any time soon. His fingers gently rubbed back and forth inside of her, twisting and pressing smoothly, carefully. He was taking the time to make sure he didn't scratch her or put too much force into any one movement - instead it was all soft, delicate touches that ground inside of her.

Scarlet pushed on his wrist, guiding him further into her. His fingers curled up and gently glided deeper into her before sliding in and out. Every so often he’d press his thumb against her clit and it caused her to wriggle and mumble softly. This felt good, it wasn’t the same intense heat of an orgasm fueled by lust and pain.

Instead it was a slow burning warmth that tickled her nerves and sent goosebumps up her legs and arms. Scarlet snorted, a laughing snort into his neck as she pushed his hand out of her. He complied and lifted his head to give her a concerned look.

Scarlet took this chance to press her lips against his again and lifted her legs up and around his waist. His eyes widened, then softened, and the hand that had been exploring her cupped under her ass, helping her stay up. She felt the head of his cock rest against her pussy, and he pulled away from the kiss to look at her.

Scarlet gave him a small nod, that was the affirmation he needed. She wasn’t sure why he was being so...delicate. When hours before he had literally torn her. Was that why? “Fil’ayn I -ahh….” She had gone to ask him but her words faded into a haze as she felt him begin to thrust in and out. Slow and methodical. With each plunge into her he’d drive himself in deep, but not with enough force that she’d bounce off the bed. “F-fuck me…” She whimpered.

“No, Amari. Not this time.” His voice was soft, tender. “This time, I'm making love to you.” He pushed down inside of her again, filling and stretching her smoothly, gently. The soft, steady pumping continued, each stroke as tender and firm as the last.

Love…a word she had danced around and tried to forget, a feeling she swore she would never experience again. Was that what this was? She hadn’t experienced love like this. The kind she had experienced was warped, painful. Even now, thinking back on it tugged at her heart and caused pain. A pain quickly washed away by the drow’s heated ministrations on her body. Was it bad that she was enjoying this so much? That she didn’t want this to stop?

“You’re amazing….” Scarlet breathed, the words falling from her lips without her realizing.

His fingers on her ass tightened for a moment before he leaned forward and kissed her, just as his hips rested against her, his cock buried deep inside of her. Then he slowly rolled his hips in a circle, softly moving his shaft in a circle inside of her, never once pulling out. His mouth was warm and soft against hers, tender and insistent.

She could feel it building, this soft, steady rhythm was stoking her orgasm. It felt - different, it felt slow and good, like it was filling her veins with heat, a warm fire thawing her from the inside out. She wanted this, wanted this so badly. It was new, it was good and it made her forget -

“I- I cant...I can;t…” He slowly got up and off of her. “I’m sorry but I - I” Scarlet immediately regretted her decision to have him pull away. She was denying both herself and him the release they both sorely needed, and he had said it himself. He’d seek it elsewhere. She didn't want that. She could see that as he moved quietly to sit on the bed that his body was trembling - but this side of him, this soft, tender side, was listening to her tell him to stop.

Scarlet lowered her head. “Let me…finish you off at least.”