Scarlet, still with her eyes closed lifted her head ever so slightly. A direct order from Lye. Another treatment. “A treatment to further my corruption, and to inhibit my emotions…” She drawled on absently. She welcomed them. Granted, she had skipped a few helping Hunter.

“Advencia, how many have I skipped?”

“Three. Mistress. Now let’s go.”

Well, it was fun whilst it lasted. Scarlet dug her hands back into her jacket pocket and pulled out the papers she had been working on, then the sack of gold Hunter had given her and threw it to the table. She pushed herself out and turned her back on Hunter as she kicked the chair in with her foot.

“Taka’s right. This… should end here. I’d rather avoid a bloodbath. I’m...too tired for that.” Her hand ran over the round of her stomach as she had said the words. “Right you two. Let’s go.”

Advencia shook her head. “We’ve orders to eliminate him as a threat.”

“He’s...nothing. He isn’t a threat.”

Zero looked at her and spoke, his voice distant thunder, “What did you call me?”

Scarlet blinked. She didn’t catch her faux paux earlier, and the heavy weight of calling him a dead name. “Zero.”

Advencia took to his side and wrapped her two small arms around his frame. “Zero - we need to take care of this issue. She’s actually coming lets take that and go before she changes her mind. I’ll take her back - you dispose of this…” She turned to Hunter with a glare. “This trash dog.”

Zero looked to Advencia and back to Scarlet, “Amari is waking up. That shouldn't be possible…”

Advencia bristled. “Zero! No! Don’t-”

Scarlet finished it for her. “Do not use that name. You are forgetting your place Zero. That man is nothing more than my Hunter. If you kill him, you kill an asset to the hand.” Scarlet shrugged. “If you do however, I cannot fault you for following Master’s orders.” She rested a hand upon Advencia’s head. “And you - “ She looked as though she were about to say something, instead she shook her head, almost sadly so. “Let’s get that treatment. I believe I am long overdue.”

Zero studied the man, his thumb resting on the tsuba of his blade. He turned to Advencia and spoke, “If we brought him back, Ulroke-dono would be able to find out just what he knows. Determine just how much Scarlet fucked up in her recruitment drive.”

“If you're curious how much she's told me about the hand - precious little. I didn't even know the name of your group until the faun told me.” Hunter spoke calmly, still sitting in the chair. “I know Advencia’s name, and now yours good sir. And I suppose if Ulrokedono is his name, the leader’s.” His eyes were trained on the women walking away, his expression tight. He sighed and rubbed his face. “Aside from recruiting me, she's had me help her hunt down a target assigned to her.”

“It would be a mistake to bring any further outsiders to the Sanctum.” Scarlet muttered.

“If you kill Hunter I want proof, Zero.”

And with that Scarlet left the two with an uneasy feeling in her stomach. Zero would kill him, quite easily so. Hunter was...strong in many ways, but Zero was trained to kill, and with the Oni raging inside of him. Owning more and controlling more of his actions...Scarlet would not be surprised if Zero returned with Hunter’s head on a platter.

“You seem down, Mistress.” Advencia mused. She was the opposite, she had a spring to her step and looked almost giddy.

“Perhaps I am.”

“Mmm. Well. That won’t be an issue. We’ll set you right. You should have let me claw his eyes out and had Zero escort you. I would have viscerated-”

“Master told me to avoid Zero where possible. Having him escort me back to the hand would be a violation of that order.” Scarlet said as she wrapped her arms around her waist. She’d grieve over him, but only for a short while. She’d take whatever they had planned for her and she’d loose that ability.

“It’s for the best.” Advencia poked her gently in her abdomen. “You’re what… four maybe five months along? If we don’t reign you in now - it may be harder to do later. Besides he’d just abandon you like the rest. Even Zero cares more about me than he does you.” She added with a snide smirk.

“Mmm. You’re right Advencia.” Scarlet said as she shifted her hand up to grasp the vial that contained Madisons remnants. “You both are.”

It’d be less painful if she stopped feeling, even more so if she just forgot. Forgot that Madison existed, forgot Shinsou and his damn playboy attitude. Forget the titfaun; and how she and Hunter were once married.

“Hey. Advencia - how familiar are you with Master’s potions.”

“Considerably…” Advencia murmured, her tone rife with suspicion.

“I think it’d do me well to forget everything outside of the Crimson Hand.” Scarlet felt it better this way. Especially if Hunter was going to meet the end of Taka’s blade, because of his association with her. At best, he’d loose a limb.

The demoness brightened at this as she clasped her hands together. “Oh. YES! Yes! Of course. That’s fantastic.”