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  1. #1
    Shattered heart and Soul

    EXP: 76,735, Level: 11
    Level completed: 98%, EXP required for next Level: 265
    Level completed: 98%,
    EXP required for next Level: 265

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    Amari L'Olfsden

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    “Shin…” She pressed her head into the crook of his neck and inhaled deeply, he smelt of sweat and sex, and his skin was bitter with the taste of salt. The last few hours had been depraved, and that was putting it lightly. The two hadn’t just made love, they had sex, ruthless, painful, erotic and raw fucking. All fuelled by years of suppressed lust, forlorn love, and on Amari’s part - torture. Conditioning her to revel in the more primal acts one can endure. Courtesy of Aurelianus Drakshall and Lichensith Ulroke. Despite all that, there was a vast difference between what she had done with Shinsou, and what she had done under their guidance. What she had with the Telgradian was nothing short of a deep connection that far surpassed anything she had felt prior. Before, Lichensith had her in her entirety, and in this one night Shinsou had managed to pull her back from drowning in the depths of whatever cesspool Lye had pushed her into. The assassins control over her psyche was vast, but no longer absolute.

    Amari gave another happy murmur, “That was....” She wasn’t sure how to word it without sounding brash. “You have a lot of skill…” She pushed herself up, her body still prickled with heat, and they lay in a pool of melted ice, and bodily fluids upon the wooden floorboards. Her breasts and nipples were still lined with frost, and she could feel the faint bite of the cold, but somehow, it didn’t bother her. It was odd… she knew the sensation of the cold, but it was nothing more than a mild tickle. Amari shook her head, choosing not to worry about it.

    The redheaded woman grinned, her fingers danced up and down his torso, over the scars and contours of his defined muscles. “I wasn’t expecting those whole….double -” She paused, her brows furrowing as she looked down upon the man, he was unresponsive, his eyes closed, and his lips parted in staggered breaths.

    “Shin!?” Endorphins turned to adrenaline as a mild panic set in. “Shin!?” Amari grabbed his shoulders and shook him, still nothing. What the fuck happened? Amari crawled over him, her shaking hands trailing over his body, the warm golden glow of her Ar’Tuel magic attempting to heal any wounds he may have. She felt no immediate pain, which meant the Telgradian wasn’t physically injured. Was he just tired? Did he literally pass out after their debauchery? She bit her lip. She wasn’t used to feeling useless, nor helpless.

    After a few minutes he spoke, asking where he was. Amari asked if he was ok, concern etched upon her glistening features as the man she still loved looked up at her. His amber eyes clouded with confusion. Amari reached out and let her fingers glide through his hair, detangling the knots.

    “Memory from before.... ?” Amari asked, confused. She had heard him speak of his past, and of times that he could no longer recall. Her eyes widened in realisation. “You mean the past you couldn’t remember?” Amari asked.

    “...a memory from a long time ago. You probably don’t know this, but before I became Shinsou Vaan Osiris, I had a name; a real name, not just this tired alias. I had a life in the service of the Telgradian army. I was engaged to our future queen Rhovani; we were happy. Then...I don’t remember. But I was never able to remember that life until now; just what happened during the Telgradian civil war. Rhovani died. When I waged war against my will, against my own people in Garah for the Jal Shey, I was captured and they tried to erase my soul. I shouldn’t have memories of that time. What changed? How?”

    Amari felt a heaviness settle into her stomach at the mention of him being engaged, only to have his soon to be wife die.. She eased back away from him and sat upon her legs. She placed her legs firmly in her bare lap, using her arms to cover her chest. She knew he had asked her a question, but she wasn’t sure of the answer. “My magic is wild. It’s directly linked to my soul.” Her voice was quiet, reserved. She kept her gaze away from him and focused on a gap in the wooden floorboards. Amari was afraid that if she looked at him, it’d break her facade. She didn’t want to admit it, but she was afraid. She’d only just gotten Shinsou back, now, she may lose him again to the life he deserved. Amari bought bad luck to people, those close to her got hurt, Shinsou had already been through so much, and it was selfish for her to want him. She just had the most exhilarating and invigorating time of her life and now -

    Amari’s eyes widened at the realisation.

    “The sex!” She exclaimed suddenly, and despite her previous convictions she looked up at him. He met her gaze with a confused look. “I...I mean. I can heal souls Shin. Yours was...yours was never quite right. Maybe I inadvertently healed it? My soul magic is linked to my emotions...”

    The Telgradian sat in thought for a moment. He remembered how one of the monks in the Citadel had informed him of a tear in his soul after his battle with John Cromwell, that armoured goliath. It had been an old wound; one he surmised was caused by the sudden and partial restoration of his memories by Keats when he had first arrived on Althanas. The process hadn’t gone smoothly and a result Shinsou couldn’t access any of his memories or powers from his old life.

    But now?

    “...something you did bridged that gap in my soul. Not entirely, at least I don’t think so, but enough to form connections. That being said…”

    The Telgradian looked up at her, his eyes softer, his expression more relaxed and his tone more jovial.

    “...I’m always open to trying again. If you get my drift!”

    Amari, ever oblivious didn’t catch his intention. She gave him a curious look, she was more subdued than earlier, now burdened with the knowledge that the man she had just laid with was technically a widow. “Yeh.” She crawled forward and pressed her palms to his chest. “I want to help you Shinsou.” She lifted her head to meet his gaze and couldn’t help but smile. Those warm amber eyes drew her in, just staring into them engulfed her in feelings of comfort and warmth. She loved him, and if healing his soul meant he’d take his leave - than so be it. She would not hold him back. How could she? Amari pressed her forehead to his and closed her eyes, taking a deep breath as she began to concentrate, which was a little difficult to do with the Telgradian gently rubbing her legs, his calloused hands sending ripples of warmth through her body. Dammit I’m trying to help you.

    Her magic sunk into him, and she could feel the ebb and flow of his blood, then the strain and tug of his very being. His soul. Her arm twitched as she could almost see it. A cascade of billowing white, torn in some places, she reached out with her magic, and with golden threads began to weave it back together.

    He didn’t let her finish, Amari could feel herself being pushed away and when she opened her eyes, she realised why. Ice had encased her lower legs, binding them tight to her thighs. A pillar of ice came up from the floor and wrapped around her abdomen and under her breasts, it extended upward toward her neck in a fashion similar to the shibari rope technique Philomel had used on her. The ice was slowly encroaching on her arms, binding her wrists to the floor. “W-what?” Amari was alarmed, more so at the fact that she hadn’t even felt the cold.

    “You missed my point.” Shinsou said with a grin as he bore down on her. “I’m surprised you didn’t notice sooner. Aren’t you cold?”

    Amari shook her head. “N-not really…I feel the sensation of the cold but it…” She trailed off trying to find the right words. “It doesn’t feel bad.”

    Shinsou stared at her silently for a few minutes, his glimmering golden gaze looking over her thoughtfully, if he had words to say on the matter, he kept them to himself.

    “I want you to heal me the same way we did before.” Shinsou said as he ran a gentle hand down her cheek. Amari’s cheeks flushed when she realised what he meant, he wanted to bed her again. So soon after their previous escapade, she wondered why he wasn’t tired, but, truth be told, she didn’t feel exhausted either. Is it something to do with my soul magic?

    “Only if you want to.” He added, ever mindful of her consent and own desires.

    His words snapped her back to her reality. She was encased in ice and the Telgradian stood over her, a force to be reckoned with and yet his stance showed no sign of malice. “I do.” Amari breathed.

    Shinsou grinned, his eyes held a mischievous glint as he stepped closer and kneeled down, gripping her chin between his thumb and forefinger. “I’ll do whatever I want with you now.” He paused as his miraculous eyes studied her. Amari held her breath, her heart beat faster against her chest. Since when was he so commanding? “Tonight, I own you.” Amari fidgeted, his tone, his breath… it was so damn arousing, she couldn’t say no even if she wanted to. He bought her face toward his and leaned in to kiss her. His teeth biting down on her lower lip.

    Amari’s body leaned into his. It was impossible to resist him, not when he was being so demanding, dominating, not when he so willingly gave himself to her. If this were the one night she would ever spend with him, she wanted it to be memorable, and enjoyable, and oh did she enjoy him

    He pulled away from her and Amari protested. Shinsou just laughed as he straightened himself. “If I recall, you couldn’t stop earlier, do I really taste that good to you?” He asked as he pressed the tip of his cock to her lips. Amari opened her mouth to answer, but her words were muffled. She couldn’t move away, she was bound to the spot, encased in an ice prison of the Telgradians design. Not that she wanted to, he was right. He tasted good, every part of him did. His lips, his skin, his dripping cock.She felt the pull of her hair as his hands twisted up into it, ramming himself deeper into her. “Moan for me.” He commanded, and she did, a wave of heat rushing through her as she all too willingly complied. Amari strained against the ice, wanting to reach up and dig her fingers into his skin but was helpless to do so. That helplessness coupled with his commands… a shiver rolled through Amari’s body and she groaned. Her eyes fluttered shut and she let the sensations guide her. She could feel the pulsing, and opened her mouth wider expecting him to soon cum, instead he pulled away. Leaving a thin trail of sticky liquid on her lips, connected to his dick.

    Amari pursed her lips and gave him a curious look. She opened her mouth to speak but found his hand covering her lips, in a quick and precise motion he sealed them shut with a wall of ice. “Did I say you can talk?” He asked. Amari shook her head, if she were able to, she’d smile, amused and aroused at his antics.

    Shinsou smiled and lifted his hand up to brush his hair out of his face. “Good girl.”

    The way he drawled out the compliment, it made Amari feel almost giddy. A part of her cursed him for being able to control her in such a way, but he just knew which buttons to press. He was an astute man, and Amari knew he wasn't done with her yet.

    Not that I want this to end... She thought to herself

    Spoke with Shinsou about ending the thread here with a recap~ <3

    The two tried again, of course in a way that was both pleasurable and exhausting, if it had any positive effect on Shinsou's soul Amari would have been grateful, happy...and at peace with that fact. But it wasn't known if it had worked or not... or if it had sparked more memories of a time before he was Shinsou Vaan Osiris, a time where he was engaged to a sweet woman named Rhovani...a time where someone once tried to tear his entire soul apart and Amari wishing nothing more to put it back together again would do anything for the man she loved.

    The answer she so longed to hear, so desperately wanted to be good was not heard. The two had fallen asleep entangled in each others arms atop the bed and when she awoke it was hasty goodbyes with promises of seeing each other again soon. For each of them had urgent and pressing matters, he - a meeting with a man Amari could not remember.

    As for her?

    Her Master was calling and he was not happy.


    Did Shinsou ever regain such precious memories and did their engagements ignite and mend his soul further?
    It was something that was yet to be known, and mayhaps...never be known.

    But for now, their encounter was over -and the redheaded woman left with her head held high and her heart filled with the promises of the amber eyed wolf.
    Last edited by Amari; 11-27-2017 at 05:36 AM.

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