Venex Apara, the white haired half-elf of curious nature, was on of the last people to arrive. In the pocket of his blue coat was a poster, requesting the aid of anyone willing to help get rid of a monster of frightening power. It was this poster that lead him to his current location, and a quick look around told him he was in the right place. Around him were several individuals with various expressions on their faces. Some were nervous, some worried, and some carrying an air of apathy. The most noteworthy were the ones that carried confidence with them. The question remained, did their confidence lie in their skill or their naivety?

Does it even matter? Everyone was here for one reason or another.

And why was he here? Simple. He did not care about glory, he did not care about a reward, he was not here to prove himself, and he was not here for some morally right reason. He was here because he wanted to see this monster first hand. He wanted to observe it for all that it was.

Excitement radiated off of Ven. Was this a bad idea? Probably. Most certainly. Did he care? No. Despite the threat of death, this opportunity called to him. Maybe this would help him find what he was looking for. He couldn’t wait.
Besides, what even was a monster? Everyone is a monster in their own way after all.