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  1. #5

    EXP: 1,754, Level: 1
    Level completed: 88%, EXP required for next Level: 246
    Level completed: 88%,
    EXP required for next Level: 246

    Vixen Crowsfoot's Avatar


    Vixen Crowsfoot Quansaldo
    Around 3500
    Half-goddess, half-uniano
    My life had utterly altered. Finally I had found some of the truth of what had happened to my beloved race who I was guardian of, the kenkus, when we had come, a little over three thousand years ago, to this chaos of a planet. I had met he, Avin, the undead kenku, and met a half-brother of mine, Vindrexis, who had both captured me and created abomination that was Avin. I had only escaped him on the good will of a brave demon made of metal, and now my other half - Unicorn - and I were trying to find new meaning, new life. New adventure.

    Cautiously, with the hood of my newest aquisition - a wollen cloak, designed to shield me from prying eyes - drawn up, I slipped into the back of the room. It was broad and wooden, a town hall by any other name, with flickering lamps highlighting the ceiling. The advertisement had offered adventure in exchange for possible rewards and money. I was intrigued by the prospect, eager for any diversion aside from the thousand pervasive thoughts that spoilt my mind. My life until now had mostly been spent away from sunlight, a thing for others to amuse themselves with, and this time, I was determined, that if death came for me - or Unicorn - it would be at our choice.

    Just like when we had with Fil'ayn, that soul of brave souls.

    Quickly I cast my eyes around the group but saw nothing but the back of heads and shadows. I pulled the cloak further around me before I made my own way over to one, trying to not seem the outcast with my snow white skin and vivid pink eyes. An 'albino' was what they called the look, a person who had no pigment in their skin, and should look another way. But every time I had tried to communicate the fact to the people in this barbarous planet that in fact was not an oddity, but rather my whole species, the Uniano, looked like me.

    As a man who was clearly the leader looked at the crowd, his eyes proudly surveying the moderately sized group I moved to find a place to stand. Strange smells came to my nose, but ones of sweat and lust that I was no stranger too. Alcohol, too, pervased the area, and I found myself rolling my eyes somewhat, imagining just what they might do if I did in fact turn into Unicorn right here, and right now for them. Perhaps it would teach some of them never to over imbibe again.

    As my eyes wandered, however, I paused, blinking with surprise as I finally recognised someone in the darkness of the far back of the room. Indeed, like me, he had his features hidden, but so few in this world wore a tricorn like that and the strip of fabric for a face mask. Between them silver eyes glinted like gems. I blinked slowly, my heart skipping a single beat, before it sank again, remembering again what I had learnt in the past two weeks. About my siblings here, on this planet. About a war about to begin. About Mikhail, brave warrior who I had needed to persuade to find food as I embarked on this adventure to bring some form of joy back into my life. He was leaning against the wall like he was some form of casual observer, even though I knew for sure he could kill most of the people here in a single thrust of his weapon.

    Fil'ayn. Huntsman. The Hunter.

    With a small sigh I looked away, and drew back, properly pulling my clothes around me. A single strand of my white hair slipped out of my cloak and I tugged it back, cautious and unsure.

    Unsure about everything.
    Last edited by Philomel; 02-02-2018 at 02:12 AM.

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