One of the ideas I always thought would make the site better is some sort of a newsfeed thing.

I personally believe (Always have believed this) that information and knowledge is power. We have to (On our own initiative) SEARCH for lore and stuff like that. That needs to change, I know of a few instances in the past where newbies didn't jump in right away cause they were still "reading the lore". One of the major things that needs to get implemented is the new wiki whenever that gets done and good oversight on that as well.

Insofar as newbies go, Nevin and Ailsa's ideas are a brilliant step in the right direction.

There is another suggestion I have which is to bring back the Mentorship program. Many of the other communities I am active on have said programs and they are successful. Mainly what I'm getting at is there needs to be MORE information and more easier ways to contact staff members (Not TROLLING or anything like that mind you) but to literally just contact like a dedicated set of threads for that purpose.

But yes to sum it up some sort a legitimate newsfeed would be good that gets updated VERY often. Also, more feedback from staff and other members in general would be brilliant as well. We need to make the site more exciting for newcomers and where we're doing pretty good I think a lot more can be done!!! That's the ideas I have so far I'll add more as I come up with it.
