Now that I've had some time to simmer down a little I think we can continue to toss ideas around.

I think, going forward a lot of my own things that I have been working on is interaction with other players. Namely I want to write with other people I have not written with before. Some of us prefer to write our own lore, our own stories and that's fine. But in my honest opinion it does not reflect what Althanas should be about. To whom it may concern, (Tony or Jack) I have a proposition for you guys. Keep experience rates normal for solo stuff, etc, but I propose that we add an exp modifier when a thread involves two+ writers. A bonus of some sort for threads that include newer partners.

I think the Stonevale exp bonus is brilliant and I'd like to see waaay more of that sort of stuff going on.

Maybe not on a region per region basis, but at least for Moderated Quests for example (Already a thing as I understand it) have an extra exp modifier when writers write together and create an amazing work. But yes I'm getting a little pumped up here. I'm thinking that the Stonevale exp modifier could even be increased for applicable writers who complete threads there. I for one, intend to use Stonevale a lot more in my own stories.

But basically where I'm coming from is I'd like to see waaaay more exp multipliers. As I mentioned before I'm aware that this is already in play on site policy. I just wanna see it occur more often. I think it would most def help bolster site activity.

I'll chime in once I have more ideas to contribute.
