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  1. #1

    EXP: 1,345, Level: 1
    Level completed: 68%, EXP required for next Level: 655
    Level completed: 68%,
    EXP required for next Level: 655

    realize.real.lies.'s Avatar


    Karina Jo Tayler
    I choked, I choked when I laid eyes on him. It had been so many years since I had laid eyes on him. I felt like I was still that small little girl in my mother’s closet watching as the defiled and butchered her before setting the house on fire.

    I could feel tears starting to spring to life in my unique eyes as rubbed at them and willed them to go away. I hadn’t cried in over four years and I wasn’t going to start now over this prick. I looked around and realized that they were gone. Slowly I lifted my head and sniffed the air, it was perfumed with lust, stale booze and- and there they were.

    Slowly I followed the scent of death and blood, they seemed to have went to a private room. I waited and listened to them speak to one another. I could hear him as he inhaled my scent and it sent a shiver down my spine. I tested the door and it easily gave way, he had left it cracked for me.

    I slipped in but I didn’t go unnoticed, so it was Booker that was hunting me. His sharp features turned inward with shock. His dark eyes narrowed with discuss but not before he eyed me like a piece of meat. “What is this,” he tossed his questioned towards the hunter. The look of betrayal marred his otherwise perfect face.

    The Huntsman seemed to have been waiting for my arrival. As Booker’s head was swinging back toward him, the hunter moved in a short sharp flash, his body blurring into motion. There was an almost familiar click - and Booker looked down, to see a cruelly serrated blade jammed into his chest. The Huntsman tore the blade upwards, ripping it straight through flesh and bone, sending a spray of viscera into the air. He seemed to know that wouldn't be enough to stop an ancient vampire - because there was another click, and the blade folded back, over the Hunter’s hand - and he swung it around in an arc, adding the strength of the motion to his own. The jagged teeth bit into the side of Booker’s neck, and with a grunt of exertion there was a sickening pop.

    The vampire’s head flew up into the air, and landed on its side, that expression of surprise and betrayal permanently marring it. Still the Hunter did not let up, his arm swung repeatedly, violently dismembering the limbs. He paused, his chest and shoulders heaving, and looked over to me. There was a different look in his eyes now.

    “Girl. What does it take to permanently end one of these beasts? Is this enough? Or - need I do more?” There was a bloody, hopeful edge to his words as I stared at him.

    Slowly I reach out a tentative hand, as if I was trying to calm a feral animal. “Shh,” I moved to the side of him, my hand gently landed on his arm. “Reel it back in,” my voice was soft as I moved passed him towards the dismembered vampire. I took from my pocket a pack of matches. One flick of my hand and it sparked to life. The fire consumed my hand as I wiggled my fingers. I took an even breath before willing into a ball, it took a moment of concentration but it finally worked in my favor.

    I tossed the ball at the body parts as they ignited, slowly I turned around tossing in Booker’s head. “I curse you to an eternity to pain and suffering you fucking leech.” There was a snort from the Huntsman, then a loud grunt and the sound of rustling cloth.

    “So after death, incineration. I'll have to include fire in my arsenal now.” He moved up next to me - and I realized he was staring at me, not the fire. I turned my head towards him - to see that he had pulled his glasses down and was staring at me with a worrying amount of intent. “In the future, dhampir girl, keep your hands to yourself. You nearly lost it touching me there.” His words were hard and cold. “Now. I'll await you outside, sate your vengeance.” With that he was gone, slipping out through a barely opened door, to prevent anyone else from seeing inside.

    “You looked like a feral monster that you claim to hunt, how about a thank you for drawing your attention away so you didn’t lose your shit,” I said bitterly after him.

    Sighing softly I moved towards the body that was now pile of ashes. Shaking my head I blew out the last of the fire before dropping a few coins on the blood soaked chair. I turned and left closing the door behind me. I notified one of the workers that the person that was in there had left a real mess of the place. I walked out of the tavern quickly, almost bumping into the hunter. “I have to move the others are going to catch wind that Booker is dead and the real hunt for my head is about to start.” I started to walk briskly down the street dipping into a back alley way. I noticed that he hadn’t followed, I groaned with frustration, “come on.” I hollered waiting to make sure he heard me from around the corner.
    Last edited by realize.real.lies.; 01-18-2018 at 10:57 PM.

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