Time passed...

Nosdyn regained his strength as he decided to stay in that town long term.

That particular day he was assisting some locals with rebuilding their home and adding more value to it.

The town was all right as far as surface-dweller towns went.

Nosdyn pitched in with odd jobs where he could but a part of him missed his friend Stare.

He knew she had needed him for SOME big job at that point, so many moons ago, but it was beyond his control. He knew that Vitruvion still did not fully trust him...at least it appeared that way. The Gods played on their own playing field...with their own rules. Nosdyn thought to himself. He stood there without a top on, sweating in the heat of the afternoon soon. It was hard work, a hard life but Nosdyn learned he liked working with his large hands.

He worked for a paltry salary those days. Nothing like what Vitruvion would offer. One of his friends, a female Drow, looked at him as they worked. "You are thinking about her are you not?"

Nosdyn narrowed his eyes for a moment, wiping sweat off his brow. "I believe so yes. I'm not entirely certain because she left without much of a word. It's all right I am certain her path and mine will cross again someday."

The Drow nodded. "You have a gentle soul, Nosdyn of clan Krotar." She handed Nosdyn a skin of fresh water.

Nosdyn hesitated only a moment but did take the gift. Somewhere down the line...people worked together of all races. Either necessity called for union, or other matters. But he learned that the people of the town could function even with his fear aura intact. Rather, they endured it and never once protested. They are a conquered people but strong in their own way...I don't mind living with them. A place to calm home...I wonder if they feel the same. Nosdyn thought to himself.

As he stood there he helped his companions with their chores. He was strong, and had untapped strength still lurking somewhere deep within. It was a blessing of the fell blood within him. He could work longer and harder than most of the other mortal folks. How long had it been? Days, Week, or years? Nosdyn was not entirely certain. He only knew time had passed since he'd settled down in the town. The Demon, exiled from the tular plains.

He often thought of home in his time alone.

They have grown weak and no longer the warriors of old... Nosdyn thought to himself. His eyes always looked to the distance, wondering what might be...what could be. Was this all there was for me? A forgotten Hero in a backwater town. If that is my Fate so be it. Stare...I miss you. Nosdyn thought to himself. If time permitted, perhaps he would claim one of the females of the town as a mate. They were an agreeable and hard-working lot. Plenty of good qualities. He could be a leader with them...if the need for such arose...