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    Dragon's Avatar


    Erik Von Dragon
    “Anger is one letter short from danger” - Eleanor Roosevelt (1884-1962)

    Erik looked around the dimly lit cave with labored breath through the cloth taken earlier from his companion. He examined the contents and storage containment's themselves, it was hard to judge exactly what they were trying to accomplish with all the varying materials gathered so far as they could be used for a variety of products and items. He scratched his head as he thought momentarily and looked back at the soldier by his side. “Well, the sulfur could be used for black gunpowder and acid… the sodium can be used in the exchange of heat.. The iron could be anything. Perhaps some kind of mechanical contraption with explosive properties. Those barrels are also quite common for boat transport, so whatever it is, it's going overseas. We also can’t rule out the possibility that these common products could be a front for something bigger, they did steal my dragon afterall.”

    The gravel shifted beneath Erik’s feet as he shuffled his way further ahead, the path they were on lead to what appeared to be a main hallway of sorts that broke into multiple mining branches. Erik could overhear two miners talking, so he stepped closer to get an ear into their conversation. “How long do ya reckon until they come for the next shipment?” A stout miner spoke. “Probably not for another three days.” The slender miner replied. “Hmm three days, that means my dragon is definitely still here.” Erik whispered to himself.

    “That long huh.” The stout miner continued “It might get dangerous, stealing that dragon earlier definitely caught some attention.” “Nah. The owner was just some snobby kid. Probably wouldn’t even know what to do with the thing.” The slender retorted. “So where did you put it?” “Obviously with the rest of the illegal crap in the 7th level.”

    Erik had now heard all he needed to proceed. With a strangely unfamiliar anger, Erik stood from his stealthy crouching and charged the two, having now found the one responsible from the dragon napping. With his large heavy steps however, it wasn’t a surprise that they heard him coming. The stout was slow to react. Erik threw his fist, carrying his whole body weight through and hit the slender miner straight in the jaw. “This is what you get!” The crack of bone could be heard as the miners jaw dislocated before shattering and carried the force of the swing through by being tossed head first into the dirt. In response the stout miner swung his pick directly at Erik’s back, luckily hitting the scales on his spine. The force however was still enough to flatten Erik onto the ground next to his opposing counterpart, eating a mouth full of gravel and dirt and knocking him out of his angered state.

    Second time lucky for Erik, he had brought a friend, allowing his hide to be saved before the stout miner had a chance to bring down the pick a second time on him. Erik opened his eyes slowly with some effort before unpleasantly spitting out a mouth full of dirt and picking himself up. He stretched his back and turned his gaze down towards the man who had allegedly stolen his Dragon. “Did I do that?” Erik turned his head towards his companion as he pointed to the now unconscious and severely injured body. “I really wasn’t thinking, now how am I supposed to find my girl with this guy unconscious like this.” Erik rubbed the back of his neck and took notice of his surroundings wondering if anyone had heard the brawl that had occurred. Two empty barrels conveniently appeared in his peripheral before giving his companion another knowing look.

    With the two unconscious bodies now stuffed inside barrels they could comfortably continue searching the labyrinth before them without worrying about other people coming across the bodies. “Onto the seventh level, wind man. We’ve got a baby to rescue.”
    Last edited by Dragon; 10-04-2019 at 02:48 PM.
    Life is a soup, and I am a fork.

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