After the fallout of the war, the Gilded Lily formally invited those ladies associated with their guild, who were not yet part of the Lily army, to join it. As per the training of any Gilded Lily woman, each of them already know how to fight to a degree, at least in the context of defending oneself. Philomel van der Apart, matriarch of said guild, recognised even more now the need for available arms. After the world changing super volcano, which was then followed by reports of death and disease, it had been a difficult time for the faun. She had been seemingly everywhere in Corone, from a small town infected by an odd infection brought on by contaminated water, to her fortress hidden away in the forested mountains of the north. The world seemed to constantly be beckoning her, and she answered, with courage and sword and intellect.

In her wake she left soldiers. Those who had been part of her army beforehand, and those who now longed to be. Of course they could still earn money in the traditional Gilded Lily way - of seduction and pleasure - but they had a bigger commitment to the defence of women in times of violence now. Althanas' first feminist guild had to fight in a world governed by men, who lived by sword and steel, both with mind and body.

Thus it was that Philomel found herself in a wood, quietly training new recruits in a further level of swordwomanship than they had received before. Gone were the basics of self-defence - this was real and serious. Swords clashed in light rings, arrows thudded into trees. The women were strong. They were fierce. And nothing would stand in their way.

Or so they thought.

Sorry its short. Let me know if you want me to add anything, but tried to leave it open for you.