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  1. #1
    Innocence & Instincts

    EXP: 29,359, Level: 7
    Level completed: 30%, EXP required for next Level: 5,641
    Level completed: 30%,
    EXP required for next Level: 5,641

    Black Shadow's Avatar


    Black Shadow
    Black Shadow’s fingers danced in a fiery fit of rage, swift as a cheetah chasing its prey. An immense anger grew in the archer as he scolded Junala in a blistering silence.

    With every passing second, the elf cowered more, tears slowly forming in her eye. She looked over to Jeb, waiting for the terrifying threats to be translated. Jeb froze, unable to speak the horrors Black Shadow had meant to say.

    The Dark Archer stared into Junala’s eyes, piercing here very soul. His frustration boiled over, and he grabbed the elf by the throat, lifting her into the air by one hand.

    “Hey!” Jeb shouted, running forward and trying to help her. “Put her down, she didn’t mean anything!” He threw himself at the archer, hoping his weak attack would be enough to stop him from killing her.

    Black Shadow threw Jeb to the side without flinching, and continued to stare into the soul of Junala. She gasped for air, the sheer strength of Black Shadow’s grip suffocating her. He wanted more than anything to kill her in that moment for her unwillingness to help. His grip tightened for a moment, then a voice pierced his mind.

    “Daddy, don’t hurt that girl.”

    Black Shadow dropped Junala and snapped back into reality. He looked at what had happened, and realized what he almost did. He stared for a moment as his rage left him, then he turned his back and walked away from the group.

    “Junala, are you alright?” Jeb asked, rushing to help her. She gasped for air and coughed, spitting blood on the freezing snow.

    “I’m fine.” She said between coughs. “I’m sorry I didn’t help.”

    “It’s alright Junala, not everyone is prepared for a fight like that.”

    “No.” Junala said softly. “I couldn’t help, and not because I didn’t want to, or because I was afraid.”

    Jeb looked at her confused. “What do you mean?” he asked.

    Black Shadow stood fifty feet from the two, but tuned his hearing into their conversation. He hated a gutless coward, but always searched for a coward’s motives.

    “My father was a necromancer. He learned how to raise the dead through magic, and how to curse others, and the land. He helped Xem’Zund.” She explained, tears rolling down her face. “I denounced his magic, I begged him to stop, to put an end to what he was doing.” She continued, her worlds barely distinguishable. “But he wouldn’t. I threatened him, told him if he wouldn’t stop, I would put an end to him, permanently. So… he cursed me.”

    Black Shadow turned around and faced Junala. He understood the immense pain of a father who hated his own child. He walked back to her and placed a hand on her shoulder, nodding for her to continue.

    “If I hurt an undead, even a scratch, I feel the pain that I would deal. Shattering a bone would make me feel like my own bone shattered. I can’t touch them, or I will damn myself to suffering. “

    "I am sorry." Jeb said.

    Black Shadow nodded. He stood and held his hand out, helping Junala rise. Then he signed to Jeb. “We need to destroy these bones.”
    Last edited by Black Shadow; 08-30-2021 at 12:21 PM.

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