You people are a joke
Act way bigger than you actually are
You accumulate power and hope
That it'll make up for your insecurities, but here's some bars

Shinsou, think you're big and epic, huh?
You've had identity crises more than you've reforged Enpera
You left Whitevale to rot, left Remy and Philomel like a thot
I know the hero you're not, all the plans and lives you let Arius botch

Philomel, that motherly complex is a lie and sure a bore
Cause you treat your kids like trash, you're more dedicated to being a whore
You wretch, you left to get milk when Celandine was born
When you had your son you wanted to yeet him out the door

Tobias, you poor soul, never had it your way
You live a life you hate, controlled by the Ethereal Sway
You poor sweet innocent thing, being the victim is no excuse for being a jerk
Lost your girls, ruined Eiskalt, and Lye stepped in just making it worse