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    Aenon the Cottar
    - Have ideas for characters that could potentially be very interesting ... then struggle to get them on to paper as I am not sure the exact 'perfect' way to write them and almost want them to write themselves.

    - When I do start writing, I don't stop for a while as I get fully immersed into the story but all grammar and structure, gradually breaks down until all I have is an over detailed scene .. eventually I gather together enough will to check it over and spend too long going back over and fixing 'issues' that the story falls that I gradually dig the story so deep at one point, I can't find an easy way out.

    - ... sentences that are too long.

    - Also heavily influenced by what I am currently reading and so try to combat this by reading / listening to more (in theory different things) ... but inevitably I get into a theme.

    Currently it is books that are based on Games / being in a Game:
    Ready Player One - Ernest Cline,
    Off to be the Wizard - Scott Myer,
    Opening Moves - Cosimo Yap and
    NPCs - Drew Hayes

    Though despite the similarity Aenon actually came about before I read any of these so may have been more of a precursor to the theme rather than result of this time ...
    Last edited by Aenon; 09-04-2017 at 06:10 PM.

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