Another offworlder, huh?

The Telgradian eyed his female counterpart with a degree of intrigue as the trio travelled further into the cavern. He hadn’t said as much, but Shinsou was also a member of the offworlder demographic – although the time that he had spent on his homeworld represented far less of his life than on Althanas, if not physically then at least spiritually.

A wry smile appeared on his face as the impact of his soles started to soften – the rock here was covered in a particular type of moss and lichen that somehow thrived more in dark, damp conditions tham those that were dry and abundant in light. This part of the cave complex had conditions that he knew to be improving for the chances of finding their respective ores, but knew that to get to the good stuff, the Prevailda, he’d have to get much further in.

“Prevaildan Ore,” Answering Lilithinos after a short delay, “Tends to give off a lilac hue in these mountains due to the moisture in the caves. We’re likely to find it deeper in where the rock is denser, and probably beneath chunks of the moss you see growing here.”