It didn’t take long for me to decide on cash platinum notes to be precise. After the negotiating was finished, I settled into the medical chair, and relaxed, donating blood has not changed much in the last few centuries, a large caliber needle was inserted into your arm, and blood flows into a machine that spins out the blood cells, and such, and pump them back into you with an equal amount of saline. Stem Cell donation is pretty simple as well, a needle is inserted into your fatty tissue, and a few ounces of fat is removed from your body to harvest, and clone them from the fat.

After they had siphoned my bodily fluids, it was time for my bone marrow donation. For this I had to lay on my side, while the technician braced me in such a way that I couldn’t roll, then a device was placed on the back of my neck that once activated made me paralytic. I didn’t register any pain, and I could not move my body… It was an odd sensation. Once the technician made sure that I was unable to feel any pain, she took an incredibly long hardened needle, and syringe, and pushed it into my flesh, through it, and into the bone. That’s where the struggle began, as my ceramic ossification caused my bones to be several times stronger than normal. I'm actually not sure how much stronger but not quite Wolverine, as there are benefits in being able to reach the inside of your bones.

After she struggled for a few moments I felt the point of the hardened needle passing through the ceramic shell, and into the bone itself. I felt pain like a pinch, but if I could feel that while being paralyzed, and numbed as I was I didn’t really want to think of what I might feel otherwise.

Afterward, I exited the donating center, and made my way to the parking garage. I noticed a light had gone out in the forty five minutes that I was donating tissue samples… Interesting. It made things darker, and therefore possibly more dangerous. I scanned the area, and found the conduits providing electricity to the area with my extra sensory perception.

It didn’t take very long for me to find the issue, wires were pulled from a junction box. It was deliberate, and meant an ambush was probably waiting. I continued walking, expecting someone to come out of the darker shadows. Which he eventually did, a man in his middle thirties approached, and his right hand bent in an unnatural way, with a blade extending out of his palm. He said in a voice that told me he smoked way too much “you’re wallet and watch, or your life!”

I nodded, pinching my lips together, the idiot had an unnecessary augment. He was better off keeping a knife hidden on his person. But hey what do I know? I feigned compliance, and pulled off my watch, and placed it on a nearby car, saying “watch” then I pulled out my wallet slowly, and again I put it on the care saying “wallet”, then when he looked at my wallet, I pulled a snub nosed revolver chambered in .357, and pointed it at my would be assailant saying “gun”, aimed it at his kneecap while he was still surprised, and fired “knee cap” shot his other knee, “other knee cap”, and shot him in the shoulder connected to his bladed hand “shoulder.”