Samantha regarded the man momentarily. Finally, she moved down the counter and raised her voice for him to hear her, “Very well, I am Samantha Ambria, Warden of the Cult of Blessed Torture. I am sure you have at least heard whispers of our exploits, including but not limited to the near total destruction of Castle Ixia and the downfall of it’s Knights. I come, because the governments of lands far away have begun to wise up to our presence in Corone, and seek to hamper our efforts in other regions. Particularly, the gathering of materials which we use in alchemical substances and poisons.”

She looked at the shelves of reagents recognizing a few form her time spent with Aerith Remi. The woman that was the high priestess of the Cult and the Mother’s Dark Daughter was often working on some chemical concoction, a few that had made Samantha’s eyes tear up with how noxious they could be. The Warden nodded softly and looked back to Nevin, her voice firm, “I understand that this will be an odd request, but we need those regents. We also need them from a source with the same reputation of discretion as our allies. If the Crimson Hand’s Right Hand can trust you, then I feel a business arrangement can be made for you as well. You may use my title as Warden, as I am the Cult’s only one. If you say I allowed it, then they will not question or harm you. The flock knows better than to get involved in my affairs. However, use my real name at your peril. I need to remain in the darkness, and I will not have years of effort come to waste because a back alley apothecary could not keep his mouth shut.”

Samantha looked around the shop and sighed, feeling herself deflate a little as she had gotten the point across. She was taking a risk, coming out here by herself, but she knew it would be worth it. Aerith would surely appreciate a steady flow of plants and unguents to make her poisons with, and perhaps Memnar would shut up about the destruction of the Mana battery at long last. With a serious obstacle to his works impeded he would be at last able to research the device, and hopefully stop eyeing Zavine. The worst she would have to deal with is another lesson from Jebb, and all Samantha could hope was that the benefits of her little trip would mean she wouldn’t suffer punishment for going out of the manor unbidden.

She looked at Nevin and spoke, “I see you certainly can get the proper stock, the question is can you get enough of it and what would you charge for such services. Speak your price poisoner, and let us begin the dance.”