Suddenly, Hanuh realized someone was talking to her.

"... where your parents might be? Or a relative I could track down for you?”

Hanuh turned hazily to see the new elf speaking to her. Her body language was tense and startled. Sweat dripped from her head, eyes wide, as she attempted to regain composure. Hanuh felt the waves of this nervousness ripple out, affecting her. The girl wiped her forehead, shaking a bit.

“Wh-why are you ner-vious?”

Then, she dismissed her own question. She shook her head, remembering her task. Lilthis had just asked the most opportune of questions. Hanuh could easily turn this in her favor. She bluntly shoved it aside, kicking off her blankets, “Never mind that.”

She knew it was probably a bad idea to stand, thus she meagerly slung her legs instead. She hung her legs off the side of the bed, boots still on her feet. She glared down at the dark oak floorboards, gripping the sheets.

“Toivonen.” She replied as clearly, with intent, as possible, “My family is Toivonen.”

She was obviously still nervous from Lilthis’ jerky behavior. She gripped the sheets tightly, hanging on for dear life. Yet, she mentally pushed through her anxiousness. She had a mission. She had a goal. No matter what concerned the dark elf's mind, nothing could stop Hanuh Toivonen.