He returned to his own camp.

As expect the Lesser Thayne Cool was waiting for him. Nosdyn bowed down to his sire. "It is done my lord."

Cool nodded. "To the man?"

"To the man." Nosdyn said. "It was actually quite easy."

"Nosdyn. Listen to me very carefully. The Greater Thayne must all die." Cool continued. "Hromagh was killed by a Man. Men can kill The Thayne." Cool looked away for a moment. He returned his gaze to Nosdyn. "Take a night or two to rest. You've been busy my child."

Nosdyn nodded and considered something. "I don't sleep my Lord if that's what you mean."

Cool chuckled as they stood there chatting. "You will be a fearsome enemy indeed. They won't be able to stand against you."

"What is the next move?" Nosdyn asked. "What do we do now?"

Cool nodded. "The next move is..."