Ah. Hanuh is Ashla's daughter. I wonder who the father was. The plot thickens... *taps fingertips together*

Felicity and Yvonne would become fast friends right off the bat, no question. They have much in common and would compliment each other in many situations. Felicity needs Yvonne's cool-headed guidance in aggravating conditions and Yvonne needs Felicity's muscle and might when the going gets rough.

I foresee them making some positive changes in this world. I suppose I'm wondering what kind of character development you're looking for with Felicity. Yvonne is likely to push her to be a better version of herself - not necessarily make any drastic changes, because they would mesh together well. There will be occasional hiccups in their relationship when Yvonne's means-to-an-end flare up Felicity's moral code alarm bells, which will be colourful and exciting.

Side note, Yvonne doesn't hate magic (doesn't hate anything at all yet) but she's terrified of it, doesn't understand it or have any knowledge of it. All she knows is that if she's caught out interacting with it or practicing it in any way it could spell doom... DOOM upon her, upon her family and upon her donkey. If Felicity could expose Yvonne to it in a controlled fashion she might be able to learn a trick or two.

Wee, this is fun just thinking about it. Who are you going to bring Philomel - and how and where should we begin, that makes sense for all of us? I can tweak Yvonne's timeline forward a-ways if necessary and she does plan on travelling everywhere in her life.