Althanas, as an interactive world that strives to maintain certain continuities, is placed in a specific time frame. In this world, for example, the best technology is created by the elves on the continent of Alerar, yet still does not advance far beyond early rifles and certain types of steam-magic engines.

Since Alerar keeps its main secrets safe and tries to hoard guns, and since no other gun tech is readily available on Althanas, gun technology tends to be expensive. However, we've tried to make a world that is rough enough around the edges to permit some fudging. The "porous borders" of the Althanas universe, in which some characters have stumbled through strange dimensional rifts to enter from all over any number of worlds, means that from time to time strange objects may enter as well.

However, these objects are bound to be rare, and therefore expensive. Furthermore, the likelihood of an advanced gun just slipping through these strange portals -- along with precisely matching bullets, too! -- means that for the most part we treat high-end gun technology the same way we do special materials. Not only do you need a good IC justification for a thread in which you acquire one, but you also need a good score.

Therefore, guns and other gadgets -- such as electronics -- are not banned. But Althanas does revolve around certain motifs, ranging from Low Tech High Fantasy to Middle Tech Low Fantasy. We don't ban guns, but we do try to price them in such a way as to reflect In-Character realities.