The Thayne were no mystery to Nosdyn.

The exiled one considered Stare's words very carefully. He has a Brother... Nosdyn was no idiot. He had some knowledge of The Thayne Codex and it's writings. He rubbed his chin thoughtfully as Stare spoke about immortality and wings. She's asking me to kill a Thayne. Nosdyn understood the severity of the situation at hand. He'd heard tell of the man named Joshua Cronen...supposedly he'd killed Draconus recently.

But those were old wive's tales and stories spoken to scare troubled children. Nosdyn looked at Stare. What he said next would seem very unusual coming from him. "Thaynes can be killed." Nosdyn said, if the rumours about Lord Draconus were true...a Thayne could die at mortal hands. He kept his eyes locked on Stare. He had a very serious expression on his face. "You're saying we have to kill a Thayne are you not?" Nosdyn was no idiot. He was a soldier who had some understanding of what Vitruvion really was.

Nosdyn thought very carefully about what was being asked.

"Your enemies are also my enemies." Nosdyn said calmly. "The one named Joshua Cronen killed Lord Draconus. The Thayne can die by MORTAL hands." Something had happened that had weakened The Thaynehood. He was not entirely certain what it was. But there was that SOMETHING there. Nosdyn had that same serious expression on his face. "I will follow you into the depths of Hell itself." Nosdyn said without hesitation or fear.

Nosdyn looked away from Stare for a moment or two. He looked down at his drink and took a pull of it. He needed to relax, he needed to rest...but Stare needed him more. Rest can wait. There is something we have to do. Nosdyn opened his eyes at that point. "Tell me about our enemy." Nosdyn said very carefully. His eyes narrowed at that point. She needs help to kill a Thayne... He thought and waited for her response.