Ayvriel Leviasi ia Saiph
Location | Outskirts of the city formerly known as Anebrilith, Raiaera

Within the boundary charted by the magic of the Leviasi ia Saiph, the dense foliage of the woods began to recede as Ayvriel wandered deeper into her family’s estate. From the wild growths of trees unknown, the once nurtured gardens began to emerge in its faded splendour. In the years of neglect, white lilies that lined the edges of the villa were now flourishing amongst the roots of graceful silver birch, while honeysuckle vines began to entangle itself amongst its branches.

Still beautiful, but there was an unmistakable air of abandonment to it.

Delicately, wary of being pricked by the cruel thorns that adorned the rose trees, the elven maiden made her way past the wrought iron gates and followed a moss-riddled path that lead her towards where the kitchens were. The once majestic villa were almost veiled beneath wisteria, with only a gleam every now and then that hinted at the windows that laid under its tangle.

A small alcove was soon to be seen. And while it may have been a servant’s entrance, it was also close to her favoured hiding spot, where Ayvriel would stay hidden for hours, imagining herself to be a ferocious dragon who was protecting her collection of treasures. But her little cave of rhododendrons and azaleas allowed her a clear view of the kitchen goings and comings, and she knew very well where the servants hid the spare key to the foyer.

Despite being alone, the fledgling spellsinger moved aside an old weathered jar with an assured flourish, a small triumphant smile curving her lips when she uncovered it. The key may have dulled and became tarnished over the years, with spots of rust and verdigris staining its surface, but it still retained its shape nevertheless.

With her prize in hand, Ayvriel made her way towards the front of the villa, her nose wrinkling at the amount of lily pads and algae that covered the ponds as her boots walked carefully over the bridges. Perhaps one day, when Raiaera has healed a little more, she would return here and see the home of their childhood returned to its former majesty.

Touched only by the passage of time, the large doors moved inward, casting a resounding creak into the air as it did. Perhaps the elven maiden should be more wary, but with thoughts of their halcyon days of past dancing through her mind, Ayvriel found a streak of impulsiveness threading through her person.

Forgetting the need for patience and care, her steps rang bold and bright as she strode across the foyer, leaving imprints of her footfalls in the layer of dust that had lain undisturbed until today. Even as motes of dust swirled through the air in her wake, sparkling in the beams of the descending sun, the smile that Ayvriel has worn since she has found her way here grew sweet with nostalgia. She remembered the many many times she had ran down these halls as she chased after her brothers, even after being told not to by their doting parents.

The elf with the starlight hair ascended the grand stairs, following the passage towards the bedroom of her childhood. What was once draped in cream and lavender has now faded to shades of grey, as her room remained untouched by the hands of nature nor sentient, it mattered not.

As it meant…

Ayvriel moved the pillows aside, her heart fluttering where her eyes fell upon a box in the hues of pale blue. It was what she made the journey for, this roughhewn music box with uneven sides and painted by unsteady hands. Even while it was made poorly, it held a special place in the core of her very being, as it was the last gift made for her by Mikael and Yvrael.

Holding her breath, as though even a whisper of air upon the box would cause it to crumble, the elven maiden opened its lid, wondering if its mechanism still worked. With Selana smiling upon her favoured child, a tinny and out-of-tune music began to tinkle–


Was it?

Cradling the music box in her arm, Ayvriel retraced her steps, peering from behind a wall and over the balustrade to where the familiar voice echoed from.

“Mika!” the fledgling spellsinger exclaimed, blinking as she moved to look at her brother from a floor above. As always, she was filled with warmth and adoration for a sibling she barely saw. Though his appearance here brought about a well of puzzlement within her as well, for she knew that he was supposed to be ensconced in Tor Elythis.

She made her way towards her brother, her smile vivid and guileless as she stood before him. “How did you know I was coming here?” There were so many questions to be asked, but this was the one at the vanguard of her thoughts.