The quarry was across town and the closer they got to it the less and less people they saw walking the streets of Stonevale. It seemed that whoever was running the show around here, presumably the Granite Kings, didn’t want anyone even close to their operation. What could they be hiding, or what could they be hogging to themselves. It didn’t really matter because the bounty on the ringleaders head drew the attention of the Brotherhood. That was something that you really didn’t want to happen to you.

Are we sure about bringing her along? Yamato asked Hayate knowing that there would be a good deal of fighting.

Oh, are you getting a soft spot for her? Don’t want her to get hurt? Hayate teased his spirit.

Absolutely not, my only concern is that she will cause you to not think clearly. Or just get in the way…

This is the best shot we have to gauge her skill in the field. If I’m going to become the leader that they need I have to let them do things and not do everything by myself. That was a lesson Hayate learned the hard way. The events of Akashima would be the proof to that, he tried to bare all the reasonability by himself and lost everything.

As the two approached the quarry they quickly noticed that they were the only civilian types walking around. The only other people they could see were a handful of well-armed men guarding the entry way down into the pit. They must have been the muscle of the Granite Kings, or part of the muscle at least. Beth once again tugged on Hayate coat partially hiding behind him. She was clearly nervous but not helpless. Even if she didn’t know it Hayate say great potential in the girl.

“Are you ready?” He whispered only loud enough for Beth to hear. With every footstep closer the guards appeared to grow more and more aggressive. They would attack soon.

“I think…”

“Just fallow my lead.”

As Hayate got about ten feet in front of the guard post he quickly drew his wakasashi from its sheath and leapt into action. He dove on top of the first guard and drove the end of his weapon deep into the poor son of a bitch’s throat. As thick red blood filled his mouth the man choked on it and died near immediately. It appears that the time for fun had arrived.