Hi, Phi xD

Icebreaker eyes are strictly non-competitive, like Ashla's. They're just reactive to her emotions and powers with zero benefits or disadvantages. I suppose they could scare the right person, but that's not at all a given.

How often can she do this per day? Is there a limit of what she can do/how far she can manipulate it. Even though she cannot make it as yet, it still could allow her to basically throw ball after ball of fire if she has a constant source. Is she taking the fire from the source too? I.e. taking a portion of it?
She can control fire up to the size of a bowling ball within a ten foot (I don't know why I used the word "degree") radius around her. She can only control it within that radius, so no shooting it to someone thirty feet away. I only had another fire user (Julius) once, and there was no limit to how many times he could do it, but there were other rules like how much he could use at once and how far away he could use it - and granted, fire usage was his only ability. Hanuh has three others. I would prefer to use a limit cap outside of "they can do this _ times per thread" (with Ashla, she can summon up to a certain weight of ice a day.) Fire has no weight though, and this is level one, so I can see why limitation rules would be stricter. I can limit the throwing fireball after fireball - I had Julius do that once, when it was doable within his ability's description, and the judging mod still didn't like it. Maybe she can only hold so much every minute? Or it takes a boatload of inertia to manipulate fire continuesly?

I would prefer to weaken Crystallization over any other abilities (I could take it down from freezing up to a gallon to up to a quart?)