The bar around them danced with the many diversifying species of people. Some were drinking, some were eating, some were discussing business plans and holding meetings with colleagues. It seemed as if Felicity and Crow Lady fell into the latter role. The humanoid raven spoke in a proper, conformed manner. She might as well have been raised as royalty, as her respectful yet cold demeanor portrayed her as a businesslike, traditionalist soul. As she spoke, Felicity watched with her head leaned against the wall. Her hands grasped her knees in some form of stress, like she was listening intensely but needed to move. The very concept of a money reward seemed appealing, yet Felicity would have to turn it down. She needed to make up for her behavior, as her anger needed to be whipped into submission again, to fall into the darkness of her subconscious again. Felicity did not know it, but her lack of self-esteem also caused her to turn against the concept of a reward. She felt low, filthy… Her anger caused her to snap, which made enough racket inside to beat herself up, mercilessly. It only fueled her anger even more, really. Her easily prodded inner monster was fed up with feeling her own abuse, waiting for the next time any defense was needed. It was a cycle. A dark cycle.

Her slitted eyes closed. She took a deep breath, burying her anger underneath. She sat up straight, letting out a shaky breath. She placed her folded hands on the table, opening her eyes. She met the dark bird's professionalism with her own. She tried to appear calm and sincere as she replied.

“No need for any rewards.” She lifted her hand in a calming gesture before clasping her hands again, “For my previous outburst you deserve better.”

She smiled in a moment of amusement, “I don’t know how I can help, but I can try so we can call it even. Sound good?”

She chuckled, the “optimistic” shell that used to be her genuine personality surfaced again.

She just had to be borderline for this rapid change in many moods.

A waiter nervously walked up to the twosome. He put on a fake smile as he placed their respective drinks down, “We hope you are enjoying your stay at the Golden Hind, where everyone is happy and we're awake twenty four seven! To meet your every need!”

He turned to the redhead, “Your feast will be ready in a moment.”

He turned and nervously walked away, the floorboards creaking as he descended into a weary, eternal laughing fit of madness.


Felicity cupped to mug in her hands. The herbal, sweet smelling elixir was quite appetizing. Her stomach growled. She blew the hot steam, hoping to get it cooled down just enough to take a sip. The glass mug revealed the calming, green liquid as Felicity spoke, “But first. I food eat need. Or else I get cranky." She took a calm, tame sip of the beverage.