"Huh. Well, you certainly found an interesting one to deal with there, Henry." It took a few moments before Tyvin spoke, the large blacksmith turning his gaze to the lanky bard. Said musician was currently blinking in the direction of the door, trying to figure out where that had come from. He ended up shrugging in response to that, unsure of what to say. "Huh. Wonder how she'll feel about the fact that the master of this forge is an Elf? I know the Drow have some issues with their magic wielding cousins." This time, bright blue eyes swung to the smith.

"Eh. At worst, she'll pull back on the offer. At best she'll ignore it. I figure she'll just try to make sure that her dealings are with you specifically, not... Wait, an Elf? I thought Yark was the master of the forge." Henry was staring at his friend, his eyes having widened in shock halfway through his sentence as something he remembered came back to him. Tyvin rubbed his left shoulder with his right hand and shrugged slightly, shaking his head.

"No. Llukrath had to step up and take over, after Master Yark got injured. One of the apprentices messed up on the bellows, overheated an pour. Master Yark managed to save the kid, but he got burned pretty bad. They're looking for a healer that can treat the metal burns, but for right now it was decided to be best if Master Yark rested at home while someone else took over for the time being. It's... been a bit of a change, but considering Llukrath learned a lot of what he does from Yark, things haven't been too bad. Now then - I'm holding you too long. Tell your girl -" He ignored the attempt at a protest from Henry over that appellation, "that I'll have to talk her offer over with the other journeymen and Llukrath before I can say one way or another. You should run on now. And Henry, seriously, talk to Talion. Having your hand back in the bowyer, even if only for a few days, is sure to help." Henry rubbed the back of his head as he walked towards the door, following in the wake of Yvonne.

"I... know, and I'll tell her, Ty. I just... You know me, I prefer making music to weapons. But I will, I'll go see him tomorrow, I promise. I was thinking about staying in Stonevale for a few days anyway, and going there will give me work to do." And it would keep him busy, distracted, unti lhe finally decided it was time to roll back out of Stonevale. He sighed and waved goodbye to the blacksmith, who was returning back to his work.

Outside, Henry blinked a few times and squinted, looking around and trying to spot Yvonne. His night vision was decidedly lacking, so he didn't spot her right away. "Ah, damn. Hope she didn't get tired of waiting for me." He didn't think he'd been in there talking to Tyvin for too long, but Yvonne wasn't the type to wait around super patiently from what he'd seen, not unless she had a reason to. Her deciding to go exploring on her own was entirely possible, he realized.