With the answer Rosellia naturally turned to the sandwich with a quizzical expression. She'd retained a great deal of her body's skills and knowledge, but that largely pertained to techniques and materials, the rest was lost among the vague haziness of the Tainted Blade's time as an inanimate object. In truth it wasn't amnesia, instead it was more likely to say it was only two weeks old, it's human puppet was a lot older, while the blade that acted as it's core was even older by centuries, perhaps millennia, but it had only been aware for a few weeks. The knowledge it acquired on it's own was painfully minimal at best, so guessing amnesia wasn't a bad conclusion.

Rosellia picked up the sandwich to examine it, it seemed basic, rustic, she didn't hesitate to cram it into her mouth ruthlessly. Oblivious to concepts of table manners or moderation, the Tainted Blade had come from a world of savages and cruelty. On the other side where force and strength decided all things, where violence was justice and the law only applied to the weak, the Tainted Blade had never experienced the more moderate and passive side of life. Though when asked for her story, she glanced towards Madison with the sandwich half crammed into her mouth to the point her cheeks puffed out. After a while of forcing it down, she finally exhaled a sigh when she could breath again.

"Haa..." She exhaled in relief before a faint smile came to her face. "Well, I can't say it's terribly important. Despite looking like this, I'm much younger then I appear." The blade admitted upfront, it lacked common sense and knowledge that even a toddler or infant might know just from instinct alone. Since she was asked, she felt the need to explain that fact, things like not knowing about food, or personal space, or laws or standards-- even morality was something she was largely oblivious to. "From what I know, this wasn't the place I was 'made', I was 'made' on 'the other side' and ended up here long before I was 'born'. I'm not really used to this yet, it's strange, weird, to just suddenly realize 'I'm alive'... 'I can think' is so troubling. I mean, what do people do with their lives?" Rosellia asked with a mellow chuckle as if the question was silly.

After all, people had goals and ideals and dreams, but to the Tainted Blade who was an object, money was useless, food wasn't really enjoyable, alcohol was more detrimental then it was useful. What did it have left to look forward to? What else did people spend their life to pursue? It slaved and labored to wrack it's mind for an answer that was unique to it, something that even it could enjoy.